Friday, November 09, 2007

Red-Handed, or Maybe Red-Tail-Lighted

Well, folks, Christmas has been cancelled this year because I am a lawless criminal and I have to give all my money to the police. Yesterday we got a lovely envelope in the mail that showed this.

Yes. That is right. That is me in the blue Explorer running the red light!

In my defense (HA HA HAAAAAAAAA), I wasn't actually stopped at that light before running it. I never even slowed down. Those are my tail lights, not brake lights.

But hey! Look at the pretty foliage!


Tracy said...

Maybe you should show Becca the camera light sign and then anytime she sees one, she can let you know. I made the mistake of telling Cait that green means go, so now at every light she tells me "grengo" Maybe it will work for you!

The Quinn Report said...

OH NO! I'm sorry, but I was actually laughing while I was reading your post. Were you going to the mall? Coming from the mall? I feel like I am an unsafe driver when I have shopping to do. I'm always in a rush knowing that my time is limited with a toddler. I figure the faster I drive to get there, the more time I have to shop for what I'm looking for. Doesn't make sense does it? I think I should work on my priorities...maybe the safety of my child should come first and not the dress I need for a night out on the town...dang!

Katie said...

I was actually just driving PAST the mall. I had been shopping ELSEWHERE. I had already come up the most annoying street in town with stoplight after stoplight and I had gotten stopped at ALL of them. It was empty looking and it was after dinner time and Becca was whining and I couldn't stand the thought of sitting at one more red light.

Jen said...

So you knowingly ran the red light. That was my question: did you accidentally run it or was it on purpose.

I like Tracy's idea!

Andrea and Ben said...

heehee!! This is funny! I love that you didn't even feign attempting to stop!!!!!

Swistle said...

That is so funny. The back of your car looks all sassy, too.

I have never heard of this ticket through the mail thing, and I got all excited and told Paul about it, and he was like, "Um, also they've invented fire." So I guess he'd heard of it.

Anonymous said...

You should be more careful!

This running ofred lights meant "danger, Will Robonson."

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

You criminal you!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Katie!

molly said...

you felon.

Tess said...

Hey, I got one of those too! HIGH FIVE! Uh.

The good news is it doesn't go on your record, it's a pure money-grubbing scheme. Not that that excuses our poor behavior, but you know.