Saturday, December 22, 2007

Disjointed Snippets

Wow. So, that was a long vacation from blogging. I took a whole....oh......8 hours off! I went last-minute-Christmas-shopping all day. And, I seriously loved every second of it. I haven't even watched my child at all today. I have seen her for about 10 minutes total. She has had a fun day, though.

She made a pecan pie.
She played with....plastic....crows? Wearing only a diaper (go, Grandpa!)She took a nap on Susan while wearing plastic cups on her feet.

Behold the bruise in all its glory:

Also: Becca is now doing the most annoying thing ever. When she wants attention, she sticks one or both of her hands all the way down her throat and gags herself. It gets quite a reaction from me (the barf-a-phobe). I scream and grab her hands out of her mouth. So, now she loves doing it. *help*

Remember how I said I was sweltering? Well, turns out the heat was set at 90 degrees! Whoops! And also, SWEAT. The air conditioner is now on. Good luck when you get this month's electricity bill, Mom and Dad!

I got this radical new haircut. My mom said, "I can't even tell a difference!" Hello! BANGS. I keep wondering what that annoying tickling thing is on my forehead! I like it though!


Jen said...

I like it, too! I think you look very different, somehow.

Yay for grandparents! A day out without kids. Bliss.

Swistle said...

1) Hair looks GREAT.

2) I want to copy Susan's outfit EXACTLY.

3) What, you never have "diaper and plastic crows" time at your house?

Tracy said...

Does the Christmas shopping mean you aren't going to be the family from National Lampoons?

I love your hair. It doesn't look like Becca was sleeping so much on Susan though. It looks like Susan was the one snoozing.

The Quinn Report said...

Love the hair!!!

Tracy said...

It cracks me up, you are in a house FULL of people and you have to take a picture of your hair in the mirror?? That made me laugh.

Canyon is here now and doing great. It is a rough life when your biggest decision is which bed to lay on! (Abby is included in that!)

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe there's a place that requires air conditioning right now. Want to come back to Alaska?

Your hair looks great and I think it is WAY different. Super cute.

Tess said...

INTENTIONAL GAGGING? Oh, no. I cannot take it.

Plastic crows. Awesome.

Hope you had a great holiday!