Thursday, December 06, 2007

More Than A Dusting

Winter! Snow! Wheeeeeee! I love it! As much as I wish we lived closer to our families, I really enjoy living somewhere with four seasons. Our families just need to move further north. Autumn just went on and on for gorgeous months and now we get a beautiful snowfall. I've heard that this is unusual and most winters in Maryland are just dead and brown. Maybe we ALL need to move further north.

I lit apple spiced candles around the house yesterday, made hot tea, and puttered around during Becca's naptime just watching the fat flakes fall. I wish I had cleaned the house up a bit, but I just kind of wandered from window to window watching it accumulate. I loved every second of it!

We are up at sunrise. Again. I hurt my back a couple days ago, so I have been lowering the side of Becca's crib before putting her in at night. Then, I forget to raise it (because it isn't what I normally do.) For the last two mornings, I have gone in to find her just standing in her crib as usual, but the rail is about down to her thighs. She hasn't tried to climb (or fall) out.

Today is 2-year old photo day at Sears. I hope it goes better than last time.


Jamie said...

It is beautiful. You have a gorgeous view from your home.

Angie said...

It is very nice. I really didn't think I would want to see snow again, but I love it. I love it more that it doesn't stay forever!

Andrea and Ben said...

Beautiful! I miss seasons!! I take it the photo shoot did not go well from your next post. Take them yourself, you have a good eye.

Jen said...

Snow! No fair! I want snow.