Friday, December 28, 2007


Pneumonia. After her second set of X-Rays in three days, we have determined the cause of her rapid breathing. So, we have another antibiotic. In addtion to the other antibiotic for the UTI and Motrin or Tylenol every 4 hours, plus the nebulizer every 4-6 hours. We have a limp, sick, sick little kid.

The doctor said we can travel tomorrow if we give her a nebulizer treatment right before the flight. We are hoping that returning to her own home (plus being on TWO antibiotics) will really get her on the path to getting better.

I'll update later in the weekend when things get better (THEY WILL GET BETTER BY MONDAY, Dammit!) Also, you really do need 5 adults to take care of one kid. Seriously. One person has to hold the drinks and bring the Motrin and Kleenex. One has to go get the car, one has to hold the kid and one has to hold the bags and purses, while the other one has to run to the pharmacy. Again.


Tess said...

Man, I AM SORRY about this. My daughter had RSV last year at this time, so I feel your pain.

I hope you have the best New Year possible, you know, considering.

Tracy said...

I hate to hear that. It is super hard to have a sick kid. Pneumonia sucks. Hurry home.

Angie said...

Poor Becca. What a crummy time. I hope that she is feeling better soon.

Andrea and Ben said...

Bummer. I hope all works out with traveling. I will be looking for an update. Travel safe.

Jen said...

Pneumonia. Yuck. I hope you have a good flight home and that she feels better soon.

Marie Green said...

I hope your travels home go smoothly and your sweet girls is feeling better in no time!

Swistle said...

It's nice you weren't on your own for this. Hope little kiddo is feeling better soon.

Unknown said...

Lots of love and kisses to a healthy dose of Elmo or Barney if needed. You hang in there and I'm SO glad you weren't/aren't alone with all that's going down right now! Keep your chin up!