Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Doozy

Oh no. No, no no no NO. I think the early 90s (this was taken in 1993 or 1994) are about to replace the 80s in terms of Fashion Don'ts.

1. Wear T-shirts with sleeves that come down to your elbows, especially in a teal color.
2. Don't tuck these voluminous T-shirts into some high waisted, pleated front jeans.
3. Don't put a big belt up around your rib cage.
4. Don't let your mom stand behind you, when you should so obviously be standing behind her to hide your hideous taste in clothing.


Anonymous said...

Your mom was hiding behind you for obvious reasons.

Brutus Buckeye, I believe you were there at the time. Do you remember what you were wearing?

Should've hooked 'em!

The Quinn Report said...

You make me want to dive into my scary picture boxes and laugh at myself!

Tess said...

What was WITH those t-shirts? They looked like football jerseys.

Tracy said...

Seriously, I remember that style. you were so cool! But were your jeans tightrolled???

You do realize that this style could very well be back instyle when Becca is old enough to wear it and you will say, "I used to wear that back in the 90's." Becca will respond with, "oh mom, that is so not the same. "When in fact it is exactly the same! The circle of fashion is never ending!

Anonymous said...


I think I took the picture. I don't recall my outfit exactly, but I'm sure it involved a sad pair of oversized ray bans and tapered jeans, pegged at the ankle. Heaven help us.

Erin said...

Haha! That's funny!

Since we're talking about unrelated topics, I've been wanting to ask you what sort of digital video software you use to download & mix your home videos? And sometimes you add music? What do you use? Do you like it? I think I'm in the market.

Andrea and Ben said...

I don't think the 90's will ever come back - or at least I hope not!!! the 80's coming back are bad enough!!! Oh, if you could only see me then. Maybe now that we have a new scanner - hmmmmmm.

MaryB said...

I swa Monica wearing an outfit almost identical to this one on a Friends re-run the other night and was cracking up!

Unknown said...

Is teal ever really ok? The fashion sense of the era was hideous but somehow, you still manage to look cute. What's up with that?