Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stop the Madness

Y'all are just going to have to stop posting on the Internet, because I cannot keep up. What with all the driving I'm doing for choir (2 hours a day) and all the tears I'm crying over how much it costs to drive 2 hours a day and how I'm going to have to quit choir because I can't afford to get there--because Lord have MERCY the gas prices and why am I not a Prius owner yet? (Oh yes. I need a car that will hold two giant carseats)! And then I somehow signed myself up for a committee to help stop the development of the stupid box store right next to the elementary school. And we have to distribute flyers to the peeps. Then we have to go picket and raise a ruckus. Fight the man.
Also I have to try to watch American Idol in fast forward in between playdates with other toddlers and trying to read Atlas Shrugged (Interesting fact: "According to a 1991 United States survey by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club, Atlas Shrugged was voted the most influential book in readers' lives after the Bible. Fascinating!) It is a GOOD book. I feel it calling to me all day and I dream about it at night but I can barely get in a few pages a day.

And, don't forget the napping and the occasional shower. I just do not have time to keep up with everyone. So, please forgive my lack of emails, blog comments and phone calls (well, if you know me you have probably already forgiven that. You would have to. Because I hate the phone and I suck at returning calls. But you already know that because I never call you back.) Don't take it personally. It isn't you. It is the phone. And I feel bad about it.

I'm off now...............I see a giant pile of toys that I am going to just step over as I head up to my room where I am going to ignore a giant pile of clean laundry waiting to be folded.


Jen said...

My GOD you are busy. What is going on there in MD? Wow, I'm tired just READING about all this!

Joel and Angela said...

I totally understand how you feel! I have been so bad at communicating with people lately! Enjoy napping!

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

SO EXCITED YOU ARE READING IT!!I told you it was amazing and knew it would "call you".

Anonymous said...

Im reading the same book! Weird!

Anonymous said...

Unfolded laundry & toys to step over welcome to my world. Is your kitchen sink full of dishes too? Are your pants on the correct way?

Andrea and Ben said...

Driving 2 hours a day makes me want to cry for you, gas is soooo expensive! Good luck with the protesting. I hate big box stores too.
I will have to check out the book.

joanna said...

I love the kiddie size picket sign.

Anonymous said...

Amazes me , had 3 children , we both worked 2 jobs , got along great , and our kids turned out very normal , and they went with us every job , they just learned early on , how 2 be-have , and r-e-a-l-l-y how to respect people , and no miss-be- havin' , sorry , no sympathy here . GOTTA GET TOUGH AND SHOW WHO REALLY IS BOSS , kids now ,run the parents , DON'T EVEN GIVE THAT LEA-WAY , THEY WILL RESPECT U MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!