Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Big Move

Guess who will be sleeping here tonight? Guess who has spent the past two (TWO!!!) nights trying to install that damn curtain rod? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't John and it wasn't Becca. I truly SUCK at curtain rod installation, and yet I find myself installing them on a regular basis. And every time, EVERY time, I end up with ten extra holes, four (or so) extra wall anchors, sticking out, anchoring nothing, and a crooked curtain rod. This time I was determined to get it right. I measured four times and leveled everything and measured and re-measured and re-leveled. And still, when I stepped back to admire my handywork, the left side was a good inch lower than the right. And then the middle collapsed.

I should have taken a picture of it for you, but I was too busy stubbing my toe on the drill and cursing.

But, I perservered....I got a longer curtain rod, I stayed up too late, sweating and cussing and finally I got it up there and it only looks mildly crooked. I even spackled the holes that aren't filled with extra wall anchors! And, I even spackled the 12 (honestly, there were 12) extra holes in the family room from that curtain debacle. Do you think I'll actually get around to touching up the paint, though? Maybe in about two years.

The new "big girl room" is now my favorite room in the house (although I probably should reframe that photo). But I love the room. Especially the closet. I go in there about two or three times a day and just sigh with admiration. Look how organized! My closets are never organized. They are dumping grounds for all the crap I don't want to look at. Cleaning off the counters? Dump it in the hall closet! Cleaning off the bedroom floor? Dump it in the closet! But, not this one. At least not yet.

Speaking of pink: I'm pretty sure Becca has pink eye. So, on second thought this may not be the best time to make a drastic bedroom change--mild fever, pink eye, hoarse throat, runny nose. We may be in for a rough night. But, at least there will be one organized closet in the house.


Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that bedside table and the picture above the bed. That's a portrait of Becca, yes?

I hope the wee one feels better soon. xoxo

Katie said...

The bedside table is from the 1970s from John's mom's old house! I spray painted it white. It cracks me up that you love it so much! What's old is new, I guess...

Yes, that is a portait of Becca. I love that photo (it was taken by my wedding photographer when Becca was 3 months old).

Tracy said...

It is just so different with pictures on the wall. I love it. I think you have OCD tendencies too. When I saw the closet, a calmness came over me. I think we should come over, let the girls run wild and just sit and look at the newly completed room.

Anonymous said...

you should have used push tacks and a plain bedsheet instead of a curtain rod.
the room looks really nice.

Unknown said...

Her room is beautiful. I love the picture of Becca on the wall.

We never get curtain rods and such hung up right.

Yeah, colds all around here too. Well, Lila and I, at least. It just doesn't end!

Erin said...

Wow. That room is straight out of a catalog! It looks beautiful. Great job.

You may have just inspired me to get off my butt and finish my own house painting. I really want to get the boys' rooms finished. They so bare and sad. I love the photo of Becca sleeping, right above the bed. That's an awesome idea! I'm totally stealing it!

MaryB said...

The room is BEAUTIFUL - magazine worthy as already stated.

BUUUUTTT...its the closet that makes me weep and week in the kness!

MaryB said...

Oh, and you are better than I - I dont even attmpt to hang curtain rods...

Im goignt ohave to try soon though, Rich doesnt want them in our room and I got some great raw silk panels I want to hang so badly! He reuses to help! The audacity! I think I will have to do it behind his back during a trip. then, when he comes home, he will realize that it looks awesome and he was wrong!vHey, can you come over and help me?

The Quinn Report said...

What a CUTE, CUTE room!!!! I LOVE all the bedding!
Did you get it at Target by chance?

joanna said...

I want to sleep there! How pretty! I used to have a table like that bedside table during college. And I have an identical bed rail waiting for the veterans to pick it up at the curb. (I hated that - and probably any other - bedrail when it came to making up the bed.) I love the color, the bedspread, the curtains (I leave all rod hanging to Oliver who inevitably levels it with something that's not really level in the room because I too end up with 12 holes), and the closet!! I really should straighten up my house now.

Swistle said...

Oh, it's SO PRETTY! I love it! I want it for MY room!

I can't hang stupid frickin frackin curtain rods either.

Marie Green said...

I hate dealing with curtains in general. Hate. It's so overwhelming and expensive! And the measuring alone makes me feel sleepy.

BUT! I love the end results of your (well, Becca's) new room. It's really pretty. My youngest has light blue walls in her room too, and right now we're doing the IKEA reds and pinks and yellows and greens, but your pastel pink and white is something I'm filing away for when she's ready for a do-over. I won't have to repaint!

Sorry about the pink eye!

Jen said...

I love the room! It's gorgeous! Very impressive. And you are hanging curtain rods? Pregnant? Crazy girl.

VERY peaceful looking closet. *contented sigh*

april said...

her room is so beautifully put together, i love it! girly without pink walls that is an accomplishment!