Sunday, July 20, 2008

Things That Are Pissing Me Off (Today)

1. The battery on our kitchen cordless phone has been dying for a while now. About ten minutes into a conversation, it started beeping, and then would just quit. I went to Radio Shack and bought a new battery for WAY too much money--like, probably more than the phone itself cost. Like, 16 dollars. For a BATTERY. I installed it. It seemed normal for a day and now the flipping phone is BEEPING AGAIN. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?

2. My tomatoes are FINALLY growing and ripening. Just when we're about to leave town (we're going to South Carolina for a week)! I am not going to get to eat those fresh, home grown organic, straight from the vine tomatoes. Also, the two that have ripened have rotted and fallen off before turning totally red and been covered in ants and rot. What is THAT all about? I didn't spend MONTHS nurturing those bastards to see them give up at the last minute and hurl themselves to the ants!!

3. I cannot find one of my favorite tiny baby outfits from Becca. I loved this outfit so much that I went and stole it back from a friend who was borrowing it the day before we left Alaska. So, it didn't get packed up with our household goods. It got stuffed in the back of the car and driven out of Alaska.

It was a cotton sleeper bag (a gown that snapped all the way down the front and was closed at the bottom) and it had the fold over mittens on the sleeves. It was made by bon bebe (I think) and was a tiny preemie size and was gender neutral--aqua with yellow duckies on it. I LOVED it.

And I cannot find it.

And I am going CRAZY.

And I am tearing about every closet, and storage tote in the house.

I am scouring Ebay looking for a replacement. (And, by the way, do you know how addictive Ebay is? I can't get offline now!)

I cannot find one.

I don't think it is in this house. I am completely obsessing about it. I lay awake at night and mentally go through every place it could possibly be. It is nowhere obvious. How about the bookshelf? Could I have shoved it behind the books? Could it be in the cabinet with the dish towels? What about under the guest room sink? I HAVE to find it.

This tiny baby outfit may be the thing that finally just pushes me over the edge into full-on insanity. I've been hovering on the brink for most of my life, but not being able to find this one damn thing anywhere in the world is about to do me in.


Anonymous said...

if you give up looking for it you will find it. if you keep looking for it you will never find it.
we have a phone like yours that goes dead after about 15mins of use, as far as the tomatoes go at least you have a green thumb I can only grow weeds so I just go the flea market to buy produce.

Anonymous said...

Don't jump!! It's not worth it!

Angie said...

I can't believe you lent someone your favorite baby outfit! Of course, they aren't the ones who can't find it :)

My biggest fear would be that I WOULD find it, right around the time that it was too small for the new baby.

Of course, this baby might not be able to wear preemie stuff. My kids went straight to 0-3 month stuff.

The Quinn Report said...

NESTING...I'm doing it too! It's 1130 PM and I'm looking on ebay for clothes for Tavin that he won't even be able to wear for well over a year. Can you say WTF? I have a problem. I also just looked into ordering him coordinating luggage to match Salem's. Again, WTF? The kid won't even be able to even roll is own goddamn luggage for well beyond two years from now.

Maybe I need a therapist! Oh, and a new credit card for all the crap I'm buying that I'll regret in a year because I'll find something I like better!

Tracy said...

I vote for a new phone. At least talking about going insane on the phone won't make you insane if the phone is new (with caller ID on the phone)You have money left over from the table right?
Oh and speaking of tables, Renee said to look in the PB catalog. They have a black table on a black floor.

Swistle said...

We are having similar battery issues with our camera. First I bought new batteries, then I bought new batteries AND a new battery charger, and STILL the camera shuts itself off after a few photos.

I JUST YESTERDAY found some books I lost in a move we made nearly ten years ago.

Andrea and Ben said...

I commented yesterday. It said it was saved and would show up later. No go. Poo.

I hope you found the outfit, but if not I say stop thinking about it for a few days and it will probably pop into your head where it is.

Jen said...

Oh, I HATE not being able to find something that important! I hope it shows up soon.