Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Could I Really Be So Lucky?

I've always wanted a thumb sucker, or in this case a pinky sucker. A self-soother. Could it be true? Could it? I'm sorry this blog is turning into Boring McBoreson. But, I am pretty much confined to the house, trying to keep things from descending too far into domestic chaos (see background of photo). So, there isn't much new blog fodder these days. But there are always photos....


Kristi said...

He's just too cute! I feel like I can smell the wonderful baby smell through my computer screen!

Kaeli was always a thumb/any finger sucker, and it was so cute. Now, at 6, not so cute! I'm terrified she's going to be a senior in high school with a thumb habit lol! (she says she only does it at home though)

Angie said...

Oh that is really cute. And, if you were blogging about some other random thing, we would tell you that we wanted BABY PICTURES!

Anonymous said...

I want one. :) (Somewhere, the husband just hyperventilated.)

And I think I speak for everyone when I say that the #1 thing we're hitting your site for right now is BABY PICTURES.

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful, Katie.

Joel and Angela said...

He really looks like he is smiling in the picture with you holding him. Both Katheryn and Luke are finger suckers. It is nice when they are so little, but when they turn SIX...not so much!

sa_grammy said...

From Grammy's view...pictures, pictures, pictures....I can't get enough. He is gorgeous! His Daddy was a major thumb/hand sucker!

Anonymous said...

Katie,If memory serves me correctly,you were also a thumb sucker.

MaryB said...

I keep trying to comment on all of your post and ridiculously ADORABLE pictures, but it all just makes my ovaries ache too badly to think of what to say.

I was D.O.N.E. having babies...but, these picures and your stories are eating away at my resolve!

Erin said...

Oh. He's just so SCRUMPTIOUS.

And this is NOT BORING. Don't say that! I love reading your posts!

Unknown said...

It's already been said, but good golly he is cute! You know how you allowed yourself to eat and not worry while you were pregnant? Now you get to have cluttered house and not worry. It's the natural order of things, don't you know.

Anonymous said...

he is seriously one of the cutest little boys i have ever seen!!!

Anonymous said...

Katey , O.M.G. ,That "lil man" is so-o-o-o beautiful!!!!!! Nick and Reina are having a baby the first of Jan. Of course we can't wait , know for sure , A BOY , Ryan's 13 , Vanessa 12 and Taylor Maria 10 , so oh yea an oopsie baby , but we're so-o-o very happy. 5 GRANDKIDS, 2-13 YR. OLDS , ONE 12 YR. OLD AND 2-10 YR.OLDS. This baby will be lucky to ever hit the floor. We sure miss you all as neighbors,but am happy for you. We do love it up here , never have a desire to ever leave Alaska,the winters r much calmer than most in the lower 48 anymore.We don't have the deadly ice like we did in the mid-west. Anyway Take-care and God-Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rog and Judy