Monday, February 27, 2006

Get to Know My Pet (Peeves, that is)

Peeves is a weird word, isn't it?

So, you've all seen the emails that go around with questions so you can "get to know your friend." I have decided to give you a glimpse into my psyche by listing my pet peeves. Just for your enlightenment. In case you were wondering. I mean, its a good way to learn about someone. Right? Right. So, here we go.

The word "moist"
Mildew smelling kitchen sponges
Aggressive drivers
People who put their grocery carts in the center of the aisles
The word "ointment"
Milk dribbling down chins while eating cereal (the thought makes me gag!)
Vomit, Puke, Barf, Throw Up (more of a phobia than a peeve)
One hour photo places that take longer than one hour
Wind. Hate it.
Static Electricity
Chapped lips
Not having lotion on my hands at all times
Fundamentalists of all types
Stepping in something wet (ew!)
Not getting a nap every day
Doing our taxes
The word "peeves"
The word "mucus"
The fact that I hate so many words
Those gross commercials showing giant green fat mucus wad cartoon characters
Come to think of it, commercials in general

I'm sure there are more, but I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it!

Now it is your turn! Leave your pet peeves in the comment section!
Bye bye, now! Y'all come back now, y'hear?

RJ's pet peeve: "When Becca tries to nurse on my head!"


Anonymous said...

Afghanistan...huge pet peeve of mine right now!

Katie said...

YES!!! Me too. Stupid deployments.

Anonymous said...

my peeves:
- my hair, (31 years and i have yet to settle on a hair style because i am always dissatified)
- aidan, this idiot at my office
- when people at work send you an email and immediately walk over and ask if you've read it yet, and when you say "no" they recite the email that they just sent you. (i mean, fa' real...if you are THAT impatient, why bother sending the email in the first place?) by the way, aidan does this.
- the word "ornery" when mispronounced "on-ree", usually by people from small towns in Ohio
- the word "panties"

Katie said...

hardy har har har....On-ree. That is totally annoying!!! Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Becca would also like to nurse on the heads of the Bachman boys - that would be Michael and Will Bachman. RJ better watch out - he has competition!

Anonymous said...

I think it is a little too coincidental and freakish that you and your best friend had kids at exactily the same time. But thats okay because if my friend and i end up having kids at the same time we would probably think that it was cool. I'm a hypocrite. But I have plenty of peeves i would love to share with the world:

*boys. especially 8th grade boys. they are stupid and vile.

* my science teacher Mr. Danials who talks and that is all he ever does. he even gets mad if you have your elbow on your desk!