Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Becca Outshines Governor of Texas

Yes, its true! At church on Easter sunday, so many people were crowding around us to meet Becca that no one noticed Rick Perry. Because, unlike SOME politician types, we have attended Tarrytown since we first moved to Austin in 1982. We decided to go there as a family, because I thought the play kitchen was the best of all the churches we visited. And that, my friends, is a far better reason to choose a church than say...oh....the president used to go to Tarrytown when he lived in Austin...or democrat and former governor Ann Richards goes to the "other" Methodist church....but I digress.

But, back to the story: after the service was over (and SOME of us non-politician types get there ON TIME, even though we have a baby, because we don't expect the world to be handed to us in a chauffered limo, but I digress again). We filed out the front of the church and were instantly surrounded by friends who were so excited to meet Miss Becca. So, when Governor Perry walked out, no one paid any attention to him because they were all trying to see Becca. I was so proud.

If you look very closely on the left hand side of this picture, you can see the guvnuh in a tan suit in the background.

Who doesn't put tights and shoes on a baby for Easter? Or at least socks? I had no idea how redneck my poor baby looked on her first Easter!!! Nevermind the overpriced Janie and Jack outfit. Take away the tights and shoes? Redneck. Plain and simple.

Not to beat a dead horse, but I was just looking at these pictures and wondering why people actually think Ashley and I could be twins....I see no resemblence whatsoever:

Ryan? Why are you pretending you don't know us?

So, babies. Is this all they do?


Anonymous said...

ew, who wears a tan suit on easter anyway? i keep my stance that babies that don't walk shouldn't wear shoes. their feet are cuter than the cases of vinyl that cover them anyway.

Katie said...

true true...but what about some socks at least!?

Anonymous said...

Katie, It was the elementary school that you chose to attend based on your review of the play kitchens in the two schools we visited. You liked the refrigerator because it had a separate freezer compartment. That's how you ended up at Ridgeway.

You were indeed the family member who decided we should join Tarrytown back in 82, but it was because you liked the Sunday School room better than other churches we visited...or was it the cute boys?? You were in second grade at the time - way beyond refrigerators.

Joel and Angela said...

I like baby feet too!

Anonymous said...

no wonder my back hurts all the time--- look at my strange posture! what is that?

by the way- i love naked baby feet. :)

Katie said...

I KNOW! I am doing the same weird ass posture. What is the deal? I think we were in mid-laugh or something.

I love baby feet too....there is nothing cuter...but I still think I should have put some socks on her for Easter sunday, if no other time! :)

Angie said...

Good grief, certainly no tights. Those are for cold weather only.