Friday, June 09, 2006

I hate unpacking!

We are back from our trip to the Kenai Peninsula. It is just phenomenally beautiful down there! I have lots of pictures to upload. Currently, the car is still not unpacked. The house is a pig sty. I am behind on everything. I don't even know where the camera is. Or where my toothbrush is. So, pictures will have to wait!

Becca traveled really well. I felt terrible cramming her in her car seat so much, but she did great! She started babbling and squealing REALLY loudly just this week. In restaurants it was really obvious that she is making much more noise. It was happy noise, but still very loud! Her sleeping patterns--that I worked so hard on establishing--appear to be shot right now, but we'll get them back! She slept well at night (except one awful night), but her naps were all screwed up due to us toting her about left and right.

She had her 6 month check up today and she's 75% on both height and weight...and 88% on head circumference. John says he is glad that someone else in the family has a big head. Personally, I don't think the guy even knew how to measure it. He was randomly shoving this dumb paper measuring tape on her head as she flailed all about!

We just bought our tickets for our trip to Texas in July to get Becca baptized. I guess I should contact the church to confirm. See? Behind on EVERYTHING!


Joel and Angela said...

Trips always mess up sleep patterns! But kids always adjust!
Can't wait to see pics! did you get a digital?

Angie said...

Yeah, it's pretty much impossible to keep them sleeping.

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

So glad your back! I have been checking your site like a freak!!

Katie said...

I always check everyone's site like a freak, too!! I understand.

Anonymous said...

I want to see pictures! What dates will you be in Tx?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!! I can't wait to hear more about the trip.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all of the pictures either. Your blog must take lots of hits daily from all of us who want to see and hear about your doin's.