Monday, November 27, 2006

Fun at 25 below!

So many different things happened over the weekend. Most of them involved Things That Break:
  • A pipe in our basement froze and I had the furnace guy on the phone while he talked me through finding the frozen pipe. It involved a very scientific process of licking the back of my hand and waving it around. Then, John sat there holding a blow drier to the culprit until it thawed out. Nothing says "Alaska" like blow drying your pipes. And a chapped hand.
  • We picked up my car from the shop where it was having the door fixed (that hasn't opened in over a year--did you know there was such a thing as a 3 door Explorer?) But now, somehow, the lock is backwards. It unlocks when I press lock and locks when I press unlock. So, I can't ever get all four doors to do the same thing.
  • My voice cracked while I was singing the national anthem at a college basketball game. I was doing fine until I ran out of breath on "banner yet wave." So I got a little rattled and when I sang, "land of the free" my voice CRACKED. The worst I've ever had it do in a performance! I was planning to just sing the anthem the way it is written, because that's how I roll. But, John likes it when I go up to a second higher note on "free" (he calls it the "pump fake") so on the car ride over there I decided to do it. Bad idea. Very bad.
  • Canyon's nasty ear infection finally got bad enough that John thought she needed to see a vet. I was willing to totally ignore it for another week or more. I mean, the smell had been overwhelming, but I just left a room when she walked in. But, 200 dollars later I learned that she has yet another massive bacterial overgrowth--this time in her ear. The vet was shocked to see such a nasty infection, complete with a possibly ruptured ear drum. Canyon is just making sure someone pays attention to her, even if it is only to take her to the vet and give her a pill or two.

It still somehow managed to be a relaxing weekend. John did way more chores than he is used to and I was so appreciative. He even decided to go all Type-A and scrub the top of the washer and dryer! Dude. That rocked.

I was changing our sheets and threw the comforter and pillows on the floor. Becca had a wonderful time frolicking in the big pile of soft fluffiness! She had so much fun she even smiled for the camera. YES!

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The Quinn Report said...

I love the photos! I didn't know you were a singer; that is so cool. That is a talent that I have always wished I was blessed with; however, I'm not, not even close. Put a song of yourself on blogger so we can hear it--I would love it!

Angie said...

And, you didn't tell us ahead of time, so we could go hear you????

I love the pictures of Becca. Ashlyn loves playing in sheets and towels and such, too.

Erin said...

Very cool that you're a singer. Sorry about the voice crack... you will remember it waaaay longer than anyone else.

When I read your posts, I can't believe what a great attitude you have when you have so much SHIT going on. Wow. I am humbled.

Anonymous said...

I love Becca's cute little teeth!