Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Fashion Faux Pas

Alright! Since we had quite a discussion about denim shorts a while ago, it got me thinking about other fashion trends and problems. Do you think these are fashion dos, or don'ts? Please weigh in!

Also, what color socks do you wear with jeans and brown loafter-type shoes? John always made fun of my socks when it was winter in Alaska (so, basically 10.5 months out of the year) and I was wearing brown leather shoes with my jeans. He said I always had on weird colored socks (Like tan. Tan is weird?)


Swistle said...

Shorts are wrong on women over 30? What do we wear in summer, then?

I still don't get why jeans shorts are bad. I mean, I was totally startled. I'd never heard of that as a bad thing before. It's like if someone said JEANS were bad.

Anonymous said...

Women with spider veins and cellulite, no matter what age, should definitely be trend setters and wear jean shorts with 4-inch platform heels and tan socks.

Anonymous said...

Women over 60 should just "let it all hang out". Why? We deserve it! We know who we are and why we are here. Besides it gives us somthing to make our daughters and granddaughters cringe! Wait until it's your time, ladies. You may have to decide "should I go nude" or wear my fig leaf"?

Anonymous said...

Regarding jean shorts....a fashion rule that I try to follow is this: If they sell it at Wet Seal, I don't want it. ;) That, and I think jean shorts went out of style with forenza sweaters. (Gasp! THe horror! Did she just SAY that??? That B!tch!) Well, Kates, you asked for my opin, and that's it.

As for what is age-appropriate and what is not: if you have a body for it, then wear it...no matter what your age. If you're 15 years old but your BMI is 42, don't wear shorts. But if you're 45 and you have a bod that won't quit, then do!

Angie said...

I am no fashion guru. I like my jean shorts, though. Again, don't get it. I think no matter what your legs look like, there is a certain age where very short shorts don't seem right, as well as short skirts. I would also never do heels with capris, but that is because I just don't do heels.

Anonymous said...

I like it all! There are some jean shorts nobody should ever wear, but they are making some new, stylish ones these days. Check out Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom. Now- men should never, ever wear jean shorts!

I am a believer of wearing flip flops with skirts and dresses. However, I can't say that I would wear my Reefs to the White House.

Jen said...

Dude, I don't know what that pink outfit it, but it's kind of hideous.

I'm not supposed to wear shorts? In Tucson? Uh-uh. I refuse to give it up, even if it is a fashion faux-paus.

Katie said...

Wait! I am not saying ANY of these are wrong...they are just things I have seen other people comment on! So, I was wondering what y'all think. I personally like heels with capris, but John makes fun of me. I also like denim capris and denim shorts! I was just curious what Y'ALL think!

Katie said...

Also, no one is telling me what COLOR socks to wear with jeans and brown shoes. I need y'all's HELP!

The Quinn Report said...

LOVE-flip flops!! I wear them with everything!

No-denim shorts.
Yes-shorts on women over 30; if you look good in shorts over 30! Don't you hate it when very, very, very, overweight women or men have little shorts on when they shouldn't?
Yes-heels with capri pants as long as they aren't jean capris.
Yes-denim capris.
Yes- on skinny jeans...only if you weigh 80 pounds or are under the age of 12.
Pleated skirts are cute, but do NOTHING to show off any part of a woman's figure. Hey,that might be a good thing. I ate a lot today, maybe I should invest in a pleated skirt!

The Quinn Report said...

In the winter time, I would wear Argyle socks(like cute ones that are pink and brown from the Gap),with brown shoes and a pink shirt--or something like that.

Andrea and Ben said...

I wear patterned socks when I am wearing jeans and shoes...for myself to be entertained by.
I say no on the jean shorts (gave away my last pair last summer). yes on denim capri's
yes on capris and heels....you need to extend your legs if you are wearing capris.
I wear flip flops with everything including some of my 'evening wear'.
My ass is too big for pleasted skirts, it would just make me look bigger. maybe if I lose 20 lbs.
Do what makes you feel comfortable and if we don't like it we will turn you in to "what not to wear".

Jen said...

I know you weren't telling me I couldn't wear shorts since I'm over 30; I'm just telling everyone ELSE that I will continue to wear them.

I think just about any socks except white, navy or black would be cute with jeans and brown shoes. But, I also think flip-flops can be worn with just about anything. Especially the cute 'glam' flip-flops from Target. Love 'em.

Anonymous said...

As for the brown shoe / socks debate: I'm not really sure. I wear tan socks with mine. So, if we're wrong, we're wrong together. However, I don't wear mine with jean shorts. (hahahahaha... Had to be done. Okay, no more of that, promise.) :)

Erin said...

As long as you've got on socks with brown shoes, you're okay. No socks? Hmmm... maybe you should think about investing in some sandals. This is the extent of my fashion knowledge.

I am 30 and plan on wearing shorts for at least another several decades.

And the jean shorts? I think they look great with a mullet.

Please don't tell if there's something wrong with denim capris because those are the ONLY summer short-like-pants that fit my gargantuan belly right now.

Tracy said...

I haven't worn shorts in years. I am not sure what the big deal is with jean shorts. Now if they were the faded 80's style, that would be different. I think heels are okay with capris if you are comfortable with it. What is in today will be hideous next year, so if you just keep wearing it, it will come back in style. I am like Andrea, I wear patterned socks for my own entertainment. I wore them all the time in Korea. You have to take your shoes off EVERYWHERE. It is nice to have a little fun pair of socks when you have to leave your shoes at the door.

Sioux said...

I personally like my above the knee demin cut-offs that Laura calls my lesbian pants. And you should be able to wear shorts over 30. Putting an age limit on style is ageist.

Swistle said...

My mom wears jeans and loafers with patterned cottony trouser socks--like, a cream color with a pattern of little flowers. I think I would wear cream ribbed socks.

Swistle said...

I am still waiting to hear what people are supposed to wear if they don't wear jean shorts, or if they don't wear shorts over thirty, or if they have what the public would consider an insufficiently rockin' bod to wear shorts (what is THAT about?). I mean, I'm waiting to hear it from the people who say it, not from the blogger who wants everyone to weigh in on it.

Anonymous said...

swistle - wear whatever you want. who cares if people you don't know don't like them. if you want to, rock yours 365 days a year. :) have at it, sister!

Katie said...

I think the shorts dilemma is the reason for capris being so wildly popular. When capris first came out (years ago) I thought they were the ugliest thing ever--a passing fad....but no! And once I got used to them, I decided I LOVE them. I hope they never, ever go out of style.

Brutus--are jean capris acceptable? Jean mini skirts/skirts? Because I don't quite get the distinction! I am talking about modern cargo, low-waisted jean shorts! While I agree they aren't the absolute cutest (I much prefer khaki), they don't seem so bad to me.

I am currently wearing khaki shorts. And I'm almost 32. I swore I would never wear shorts again a while back, but I changed my mind! :)

Anonymous said...

the jean short issue has spawned a great debate...offline! i had my book club meeting tonight and ran the jean short topic by the 7 of them. it was a split vote. those that hate them, HATE them. those that love them don't understand why others don't LOVE them! perhaps jean shorts are like thong underwear. love 'em or hate 'em and there's little middle ground, but thankfully we're each entitled to our own opinion.

personally, i own a pair of jean capris. love em.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the cut-off (pun intended) for shorts depends less on your age and more on the state of your thighs. I think really short shorts are out of place at any age, except to places where you'd otherwise wear a bathing suit. But then, I'm not male. I usually wear skirts in hot weather. (Sometimes pleated and below the knee! -- don't see any problem with the skirts on your link, except that the tunic top worn outside the skirt looks unkempt If the shirt is tucked in, full skirts make your waist look smaller.) Skirts allow the air to circulate and cool your skin if you don't wear pantyhose -- and why would you in hot weather. Not practical for working in the garden or wilderness hiking, but for those situations you can wear whatever's comfortable, because who's going to see? Brown shoes and socks with navy denim? Black or navy would look better. Maybe now you can afford to have two pairs of shoes (HHOK).
(Great) Aunt Linda
