Friday, June 30, 2006

Someone stop me

I HATE packing. It is one of my nightmares. I am trying to pack and it is NOT working. Instead I've eaten a tasty breakfast of potato chips and cinnamon rolls. I had to clean out the fridge and pantry before leaving town, and those things just WILL NOT keep. Shut up. They won't.

So far this morning I have:
Played on the floor with Becca.

Threw a couple shirts in a suitcase.

Posted an entry on blogger about beer.

Took shirts out of suitcase and threw in different ones.

Read Becca some books, helped her practice sitting, watched as she shook my key chain around with glee.

Posted another entry on blogger about beer.

Threw most of my closet in the suitcase. Tried lifting suitcase and realized it will weigh too much. Why oh why do I need to pack 5 pairs of shoes? (I KNOW you ladies understand. )

Stomped on suitcase singing, "I hate you suitcase. You ruin my life. You suck. Where's my personal assistant?"

Looked at all my friends' blogs for the 10th time.

Took out one pair of shoes.

Ate some more cinnamon rolls and drank my third (THIRD!) cup of coffee.

Composed this post.

Plucked my eyebrows.

Laid on the floor and stared at all the doghair and lint on the carpet.

Started twitching.


Angie said...

You are so productive! I'm glad that you find updating your blog more stimulating then packing.

Joel and Angela said...

Yeah! my goal is to get up early with Joel, do laundry, shower and have breakfast ready when the kids get up. Ummm...I have been sitting in front of the computer, reading blogs with a greasy head for the past half hour! Now I am going to check if any new houses went on the market in San An!

Joel and Angela said...

PS How do you know so many people!!!? I only have half the people you have checking out my blog!

Anonymous said...

Cinamon buns and potato chips?!?! Katie!!

Katie said...

Shut up! They were going to rot in my absence. R-O-T! Don't you SEE?

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

You better have added ice cream to your meal. It will get freezer burnt if not! Don't let your poor Breyers Carb Smart be a victim.

Angie said...

Now that it was pointed out, I'm realizing that your blog hits has gotten huge. Good grief. What a popular girl!

Katie said...

Its because I have my blog listed on my profile! I don't have any idea who all those hits are from!

Lysandra said...

wow you are a busy gal!