Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bad Mama, Clean Floors

Great weekends always start out with a call to the Poison Control Center!

Everyone knows that Comet Cleanser with Bleach makes the best baby teething toy. Right? No? Oh, my bad.

Becca was quite proud of herself for putting the big spotlight on Mama's lack of baby-proofing skills. She sat on the kitchen floor, gleefully holding the big green canister. She looked up at me and gave me the biggest grin, showing off the light green powder on her upper lip. Panic ensued.
I grabbed her up and frantically leaned her face and hands over the kitchen sink splashing water all over her. She loved that. She tried to frantically suck the water off my hands as I was yelling, "No! Don't swallow that!" Glee, all around. Eating Comet is fun!

I'm fully expecting CPS to come knocking any minute now as the Poison Control Center woman had to take down my name and phone number. She remained very calm as she told me that it was probably time to put the household poisons out of baby's reach (ummm...duh!) and then she said, "if your baby ate the whole bottle, she might have an upset stomach and mouth irritation."

So...basically it isn't any more harmful than shampoo. Turns out she could frolic in the stuff and build Comet sand castles. Who knew? Comet! The next revolution in baby play time! Plus, your floors will be gleaming!


Angie said...

I can't believe that YOU didn't babyproof the moment she could crawl. Not judging, just laughing! I'm glad she just got into something harmless, at least.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the time David ate rat poison at A M Martin Company! We called poison control, too - they never sent CPS after us!

Lysandra said...

Holy Crap! That would scare actually piss out of me...good to know that it's not super know, for future reference

Andrea and Ben said...

It is always entertaining in your household! Glad Becca will see another day to raise some cane :0)

Kelly said...

So Becca, how did the Comet taste??? Just kidding!

I'm glad Becca's okay!

Anonymous said...

Comet sucks.

Hook 'em!

Katie said...

John started singing, "Comet! It makes your teeth turn green...."

I never actually thought people ever got it on their teeth....

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes - To the tune of Bridge on the River Kwai:

Comet! It makes your teeth turn green,

Comet! It smells like gasoline,

Comet! It makes you vomit,

So try some Comet, and vomit, today!

Jen said...

Hysterical. Your post had me laughing outloud. Sorry about the panic, but thanks for sharing in your wisdom!

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

Glad all is well.

april said...

hey tell them i said hi, i know they have a file going on me as well. i just talked to them the other day after lauren decided to sit down and have a little vaseline snack. i was totally freaking but all they said was that she might get the squirts!

Anonymous said...

What a relief! My 1-yr-old daughter did almost the exact same thing this morning. I left the comet on the counter after cleaning the tub and later found her sitting on the bathroom floor with the entire canister emptied into her lap and some of the powder smeared all around her mouth. I could just die.