Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Costume of Confliction

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All dressed up and nowhere to go (trick-or-treating). We did go to a party at my former place of employment. Becca got freaked out and cried, thus proving that she really is my daughter, despite looking exactly like her father. She was not a big fan of Halloween. She got too hot in her costume, was starving and crabby (thanks to the stupid time change) and freaked out by 50 different people looking at her, some of them in weird costumes. Also, the people who work there can be a little...well...different. In a mad scientiest sort of way.

Then, we had to drive home in freezing rain, going 10 miles per hour on the highway, trying not to slide off the road. Maybe we would have been better off with nowhere to go!?

We had two trick-or-treaters tonight, but I only got to the door for one of them---our 13 year old next door neighbor. I poured about three-quarters of my bowl of candy into his bag mumbling something about keeping me from eating the rest of these Reese's peanut butter cups, because...after the first 25 I should really stop. Really.

I am conflicted tonight. At the Halloween party, I spoke with my (former) boss about doing some work from home--very flexible and very part time. It could be either: a) the best of both worlds; or b) totally crappy and stress-inducing.

I currently feel like being a stay-at-home mom is both really great and really hard. Granted, it is not hard in a traditional stressful way, but it is more a feeling of constant busy-ness, without a whole lot to show for it. It can be wearying. I feel like I am moving around doing stuff all day long, but at the end of the day, the house is a complete disaster, I'm tired, and I feel like I didn't get anything accomplished.

Of course, being with Becca is wonderful. I love being there for every moment. Every night John asks me what my favorite "Becca Moment" was that day. It is usually a fun moment we had playing "I'm gunna get you!" She shrieks and we both laugh...loud, happy belly laughs. It is an absolute joy to be around her.

Some days I am able to get a bunch done--I mop, vacuum, grocery shop, clean and cook dinner. But, this doesn't give me the same feeling of accomplishment as completing a project at work, because it never ends and it isn't laden with rewards or intellectual stimulation. I have to get up and do the same thing again the next day without much interaction with others or validation and certainly without a paycheck.

So, would I be crazy to add WORK to that situation? Would it just add one more thing I need to do, causing an even greater sense of Not Getting Anything Done? Or, would it give me some structure, some sense of accomplishment and some academic brain stimulation? I wish I knew the right path.

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Whatever, Mom! Just hand over another Mum Mum!

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Thanks! Mum Mums rule.

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Happy Halloween, from Little Miss Lady Bug and Big Mrs. Conflicted.


Sioux said...

Her eyes are SO blue!

Anonymous said...

Cute costume! I say: try the part-time thing from home because you have NOTHING to lose. You can always quit again! (If you don't try it, you may be left wondering if it would have worked out.)

Jen said...

Cute photos. She is just so adorable.

Molly's right - you won't know unless you try. You can always tell them it's on a very trial basis... It's great that you have that opportunity!

Andrea and Ben said...

Cute! Becca is a such a great little model.
I can't really speak for being a working mom, but it is only part time and like Molly mentioned, you can always stop. I am sure they will understand if it gets to be too much.

Erin said...

Great costume. Totally adorable.

As for the working thing, I work full time, but not from home. Sometimes it sucks and other times I feel like it gives me greater patience with my son when I'm with him. Like I'm fresher and more able to stop & appreciate him because I've been doing my own thing during the day.

The work from home bit would be difficult if you ask me. But I tend to be terribly distracted, and probably couldn't get anything done at home WITHOUT my child around. Any chance you could get some part-time childcare to cover you during your work hours? Or would that defeat the purpose of trying to bring in an additional paycheck?

Tough decision, but like the others said, you never know for sure unless you try it. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I love the costume!!

Go ahead and try working part-time. You may enjoy it. Even though I work on a contract basis from home, I am still able to spend the entire day with RJ. I just try to work on the reports when he is sleeping or playing right next to me--- or when Ryan can watch him. It can be stressful at times but it's not too bad. I would suggest hiring a maid to help with the cleaning so you don't have to worry about that. :)

Anonymous said...

Becca is adorable!

As far as the work, I think you should give it a try. Just make sure their version of flexible and your version of flexible are the same.

When I decided to start sewing and selling things from home, I envisioned sitting at my sewing machine while my kids played next to me and entertained themselves. I don't know who I was kidding but it didn't work out that way.
Even though it didn't work out the way I initially thought, I did work out. Sometimes you have to be creative in figuring out how to get things done or find other time to work, but in the end it all comes together. I think you can do it. It will be rewarding and will definitely give you a sense of accomplishment. Just don't forget to take lots of "Hug Breaks" :)

Kelly said...

What a beautiful costume.

Question: Does Becky Barber still work there? and do you know Kim Cox? I think she worked there too.

Jamie said...

I love her costume. She is so beautiful, Katie!!!