Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Reversal of Fortune

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting this is such a total Katie thing to do. I freak out, and have a total emotional outburst....and then...suddenly...I'm fine. And everyone is worried and thinking I've lost it and I'm like "La dee da, everything's great. Why are they acting like I'm so fragile? What is up with them?"

My first "emotional release" was in high school. I came home and found that my parents had cleaned my room. Which, in retrospect, is totally weird. Anyway, I totally flippin' lost it. I cried and cried. I remember my dad sitting on my bed (which, at the time was a mattress on the floor, because I was too cool to have something as stupid and meaningless as a bedframe or a stupid box spring) and I told him I had no idea why I was crying, but yet, I couldn't stop. He gave me a knowing look and said, "It is an emotional release. Your mother has them too. It must be genetic. But the frequency decreases with age!"

Back in college I had a bad habit of calling my mom, SOBBING, and telling her what a horrible mess everything was and I was totally going to fail that test. I am going to fail that class and my life will just be over. Over! It was the hardest test ever and I totally studied, like, for two straight days and nights and-oh my god-what is my professor going to think? And, no one will ever hire me now and I'll be a homeless meth-addicted bum with bad teeth sleeping under yesterday's news.

I would cry and cry--the kind of crying that left my eyes puffy, my throat hoarse and my lungs heaving. Then I would hang up, relieved, promptly forgetting all about it and scamper off to do a shot and eat pizza with my friends. My poor mom, meanwhile, would be so worried about me for days. She would call me a few days later and ask how I was because she was so worried and couldn't sleep at night. I would respond with a flippant, "What do you mean? What are you talking about? I'm totally great! I had, like, the best weekend ever! Oh! And I made an A on that test!"

Soooo...ummmm...I think that might have happened again yesterday. Just a little.

This morning my boss called me back and told me that they could, in fact, hire me to do some editing work from home, with an occasional required office visit.

Then, I put on makeup, brushed my hair, and went to playgroup and Becca had a great time. That girl LOVES other kids, especially kids wearing plastic mardi-gras bead necklaces.

Then, Lysandra gave me a gorgeous merino wool blue scarf that she knit herself.

Then, I voted (which gives me this freaky ditzy-feeling high).

Then, I went to McDonald's with Lysandra and Mikey. And you KNOW I love me some McDonald's!

Then, I spent 15 minutes suiting Becca up in 290 million layers and took her outside because the temperature rose to a balmy 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Canyon went bonkers because she was so happy to have some company outside, and it totally made Becca laugh to see Canyon in full-up freak mode.

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We only stayed outside for about 7 minutes before Becca's entire face was bright red and I started to worry about all the drool freezing to her face. She can't move when she's dressed in 290 million layers, so she would fall over and not be able to get back up.

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I put her on the sled for the first time and pulled her down the driveway. It didn't go over all that well. She couldn't sit up because her hands were covered in thick mittens, so she couldn't hold on to the sides. I tried laying her down on her stomach on the sled and pulling it, but she looked so uncomfortable and the sound of the sled and the motion freaked her out. Snow is LOUD sometimes.

So, we went back inside and I talked on the phone to some women who know exactly what I'm going through.

Then, Lysandra, Scott and Mikey brought over Thai food and wine and watched Dancing with the Stars with me (bye bye, Joey!) and the kids played and did all their cute tricks, including clapping and playing "How big is baby?" Becca took a record 8 steps, and then tried to run, I swear. We talked about politics and they made me laugh so hard I almost choked on my wine. It was a great night.

In summary, today was a much, much better day, thank you very much. Sorry if I alarmed you, Mom. I'll buy you some Tylenol PM next time I'm in town!


Kelly said...

Life wouldn't be the same without a few totally random cries! I've had a few of those lately.

Glad you had a better day....and I'm jealous, I bet you guys had food from the Thai House....ummm, I love the Thai House in North Pole.

Angie said...

Children whining all day are absolutely a reason alone to cry. No explanation was needed that you tend to have emotional outbursts. I have emotional issues, but, much as I hate to admit, many of them are hormonal. dammit.

Jen said...

So glad things are better. Babies can make you cry at the most random things, I swear. How's your hip?

The Quinn Report said...

I miss the Thai House too. I wish they could over night me some pad thai. That would be awesome!

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

Spring rolls!!! You had them, right!?

Lysandra said...

Yeah! I am glad you had such a good. I had fun too. It kinda reminded me when I would stay out your house mega late when the guys were deployed. It was weird driving home in the dark since no matter what time I left your house in the summer it was always light!

Andrea and Ben said...

Glad things are looking up. It is totally normal to have meltdowns in AK this time of year, but I think summer makes us forget that they happen. Ahhhh, dark, blah.

Anonymous said...

You went out and had a shot?