Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Something has really been bothering me for quite a while now. And, it is so trivial that I shouldn't even admit it. But, hey! That is why I blog.

Here it is: My living room is too far away from the rest of the house.

I know. I can hear your eyes rolling.

But, it is true. I love the living room! It is bigger than any other one we've ever had. It has a big beautiful fireplace, dark wood floors, high ceilings, a bay window and french doors out to the deck.

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But, (but!) it has steps that lead up to the dining room and then the kitchen is closed off on the other side of the dining room. You can't even see the living room from the kitchen. Plus, the railings up on the second level are spaced so far apart that Becca could fall through very easily.

Also, the overhead light no longer works, so it never gets much brighter than this in the winter.
It annoys me consistently all day long. There is no real way to childproof the living room, without buying all kinds of expensive contraptions (which would be pointless since we'll be moving in a few months). I've considered duct taping pillows to the hearth, but I don't have that much duct tape.

I can't watch the Today show while fixing breakfast, or Dr. Phil while fixing dinner, which drives me crazy. I can't plop down on the couch while Becca plays. Well, I can, but I have to haul her and all the crap down the stairs to the living room and then watch her like a hawk to be sure she doesn't bust her forehead open on the hearth, start up the stairs and then fall through the railings, chew on the exposed surround sound wires or pull all the moss out of the plants, or all the books off the bookshelves. Then, if I need to run to the kitchen (which, hello! I do about 50 million times an hour) I can't see Becca! It is just too much work.

So, the end result is that Becca and I hang out in the kitchen and dining room all day.

See? It is a problem.

I really need to teach her how to go DOWN stairs. I think that would help a bit. Any suggestions on how to teach her that? Because John tried, and she cartwheeled down the three steps on her head!

I long for an open floor plan house! It will be my number one priority next time we move. That, and at least 2 bathrooms. And a 2-car garage. And a personal assistant and butler. And housekeeper.


Anonymous said...

I completely understand what you are talking about. The kitchen being open to the living room was very important when we were looking for a house. Since you will be moving, I wouldn't babyproof that room either. Maybe you should get a big fold up playard. The plastic ones that look like a baby gate. We got one when Gavin started crawling on everything. Just gives them a safe place to play and lets you relax for a little bit.:)

Lysandra said...

just get a tv for the kitchen...duh!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any advice, but I do love how large your living room is. Yes, I must say that I think you're pretty much screwed these next few months.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the last post was me, Noel. For some reason blogger won't let me post under my username...imagine that, a problem with blogging!