Friday, January 26, 2007

More Mommy Wars....

So, why is the Today Show trying to rile everyone up? What do y'all think about moms having a glass of wine while watching their kids? I've never thought a thing about it! These women are not talking about having a kegger while their kids are around, taking their tops off and falling down in their own vomit. Geez. I wish people would just chill the hell out.

Also, what is that cool looking thing with women in a restaurant with entertainment for their babies and food and wine for them from 4 -6 p.m.??? Can I get in on that? That is genius!


Lysandra said...

Oh sign me up!!! When can we cocktail playdate? I think it's a beautiful idea! There is nothing wrong with just one, now 6 and then driving somewhere is just crazy! Let do this.

The Quinn Report said...

Dang, I must have missed it! I ALWAYS watch the Today show; but today I had a doctors apt.

We were actually going to go meet some friends tonight for a drink--and bring Salem. Unfortunatly, she fell asleep early; so we didn't go.
I don't get it--what's the big deal?

Katie said...

I don't know! I think people just love criticizing other peoples' parenting! Our kids are going to see alcohol in their lives, so doesn't it make sense to model responsibility?

Angie said...

Oh, my gosh. That is so ridiculous. And that woman going on about how we need to model more positive behaviors? So, does she think we should NEVER drink? I don't even get it otherwise. I've never had what we called a cocktail playdate, but I've had drinks in front of Ashlyn and other people's children. And, actually, that restaurant with drinks and all the children did NOT look like fun to me. They all appeared to be holding their kids, but were somehow still relaxed?? I don't think so.

Katie said...

Good point, Angie.....maybe the restaurant would have been fun when they were like 6 months or younger! Now, we need a padded cell...ummm...I mean, ROOM for the kids with a babysitter overlooking and then the moms and the wine in the restaurant!

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

I missed it. Damn. Maybe I will try and find it on the WWW.