Monday, January 29, 2007

What A Mighty Good Man

So. This working from home thing? Perhaps it was not the best idea.

I just always end up feeling inadequate.

If I spend time working, I can just hear the laundry sitting in the washer, mildewing, or dishes sitting in the sink crustifying, or naps going untaken, which y'all know is like knocking down an old woman on an ice patch, or kicking an orphaned kitten--unforgiveable and just plain wrong.

But, when I am not working, I hear my spreadsheets going limp and unnoticed and my bank account languishing.

Luckily for me, this weekend John did lots of laundry, runs to the dump (that sounds worse than it is), dishes, fathering and cooking.

I went to the gym again (twice! in one week! someone call a doctor!) And I took a nap. So, life isn't all that bad.

Not pictured: me napping


The Quinn Report said...

What a good daddy!

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

And John cooked this week!!! :)
It's on the calander ;)
You guys are too cute.
So, did Canyon take the picture since you were napping?

Angie said...

I love that picture. Becca's snowsuit looks gigantic on her. It doesn't look like a person could be under all that padding.

Joel and Angela said...

I totally missed the blog post where you were working part time! What ya doin? I am thinking I need a part time job! Especially since we are having someone paint the house and now need new window treatments. Man...things add up!

Andrea and Ben said...

hahah Jaime, that is funny. Canyon is probably smart enough to take the picture :0) Soon enough little becca will be chasing Katie around traying to take her picture!