Sunday, January 21, 2007

Operation Crap Purge

Speaking of household hazards....I just looked at my "To File" pile and realized I haven't filed any paperwork since Becca was born. Here is all is:

Sitting in junky baskets on a very junky shelf without any shred of logic to the piles. The reason the paperwork has not been filed is that the file cabinet is located in the junkroom in the very darkest corner of the basement where old maternity clothes go to die. See if you can locate the filing cabinet in this photo:

This room holds the stuff that most people put in their attics. But, we don't have an attic. I can't believe I am putting these pictures on the Internet. Really. It is just embarrassing. For someone who is so tightly wound and Type-A, this is just scandalous. I keep the door to this room firmly shut at all times, so when I do have to venture in there I am just overcome by the disastrousness of it all and flee without doing anything to fix it.

I like my house to "appear" clean and organized, but if you open any drawer or cabinet something will fall out and knock you on the head. The rooms we live in look decent (if you overlook the toys strewn about)...but behind the scenes, it is another story.

Here is my drawer in the bathroom. How many half-empty deodorant containers can one drawer hold? Answer: five.

I started purging a while ago, and this pile of stuff and two ficus trees (also a twin sized bed and crappy looking bookshelf) are waiting to vacate the house: I hope to quadruple the size of this pile. Let these serve as my "Before" pictures. I plan to really get rid of about 1/3 of our possessions, organize what is left, and then take the "After" photos. So, why am I sitting here writing about it? I need to get started!


Andrea and Ben said...

You are like Monica from Friends! I always feel refreshed when I get rid of crap. It will make your move that much easier!

Jen said...

You are so like Monica. Tim tells me I am, but I think you take the cake, girl. Good luck getting rid of stuff! It does feel soooo good. And, purge while you can. Tucson doesn't have basements /or/ attics.

Katie said...

Oh YES! I really do have about five "Monica" closets!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel! After Christmas I was overwhelmed by the clutter in my house. I think the Christmas decorations pushed me over the edge. So I started taking down and putting away all the decorations and then continued on through the rest of the house. I purged and organized in every room of the house and we threw away large boxes of junk. Everything that the kids had outgrown, from clothes to toys, I packed in my car and took the the battered women's shelter. I felt so good when it was all done. It was like I could breath again!

The Quinn Report said...

I can't wait to get to Texas and have a garage sale. Life is much better when you simplify things--don't you agree? Sometimes I just can't get over all the crap I buy. Maybe I should put my car up for sale so I can't drive anywhere. All hell, that wouldn't matter, then I would only buy up everything on the internet..damn!

Anonymous said...

How do you do a "Clean Sweep" in Alaska in wintertime? Guess you have to lug everything outside in the snow!