Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We're Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo....How About You, You, You....

We just got back to Austin after spending a few days in San Antonio with Jo Anne and Jim. The weather has been phenomenal lately and they live right by Randolph AFB, so there are tons of planes flying overhead. I tune them out, but Becca started noticing them, and then learned to point at the sky when she heard one. I thought her dad would be so proud, so I snapped a few pics...and by "a few" I mean eleventy billion.

My dad came down today and took us to the San Antonio Zoo. It was perfect. The weather was cool and breezy and just under 70 degrees.

There were no crowds and the animals were active and visible. Becca looked at all the animals with wide eyes, making her "oooh oooh" doggy bark sound. We were very close to a grizzly which Becca kept trying to call a dog. Nice doggy. Doggy want a milk bone? AAAAAAAAAACK! Owwww! My ARM! Wait. Never mind--just my nightmares talking.

So, Becca sat down in some kind of pee water outside the monkey cage, ate a fistful of dirt in the Bird House and then chased down an egret on the sidewalk. I think the ducks, fish, birds and turtles were her favorites. I really enjoyed seeing the black bears playing with some kind of bloody carcass and a kleenex box. Also, the old-man looking tamarins were really cute and curious. They all came scampering over to us when we approached their cage, honing in on Becca's Cheese Nip cracker.

She ended up tired and slightly pink on the cheeks from the sun, despite me keeping a large hat on her head at all times. My face feels like I should have considered some SPF as well. Our pasty mayonnaise Alaska palor just can't handle 3 hours in the sun. Isn't that pathetic?

Say what you want about zoos (and while you're at it, read Life of Pi--one of my favorite books) but they really are educational and fascinating. I just wish they would work a bit harder at having larger exhibits with more realistic habitats. Bears should not be limited to living on rock surfaces with no trees or bushes. But, it really is such a thrill to get this close to the animals:


Jen said...

Zoos are great, aren't they? They take on a whole new meaning with kids in the picture, kinda like holidays do.

Isn't it funny how the babes think everything is a dog? Kate loved to go to Target and look at the displays of holiday lights and woof at the bears and penguins.

The zoo here is pretty good; you can't beat the price and it's the perfect size for kids - they get bored just about a loop through it. I highly recommend an annual membership.

Andrea and Ben said...

Looks like fun!! I love zoo's :0) Hope you soak up some extra rays to store some vitamin D before you head back. Hurry up and move here alreayd!