Friday, February 16, 2007

Gratuitous Photos

Since all I've been doing lately is grinding my teeth and having anxiety attacks over the fact that we are supposed to be moving in, like, three weeks, and we don't know anything and have no plan and I'm assuming y'all really don't want to hear about that, I am just going to post pictures instead.

Ahhhhh...the toddler life.

Finding inventive ways to sip that sippy cup.

Let's see...what mess should I make next?

Ya ya!* Ya ya. YAYAYAYAYA! YA YA!

' "Pick up your toys" Mom says. Blah Blah Blah. Whatever.

Oh God. I wonder where she's taking us.

Hmmmm...a long hallway that leads.... the Community Center indoor playground! Awesome!

I hope no more big kids come over here and push me down. **

* Cheerios, preferrably sweetened ones. Becca pulls them out of the pantry about 20 times a day while yelling "Ya Ya!"

**Or wipe their nasty germ-infested hands on me so Mom doesn't have to embarrass me with the antibacterializing of everything again.


Lysandra said...

you are crazy!

Anonymous said...

cute! becca looks so tall!

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

Love the car shot with Canyon in the back.

Andrea and Ben said...

She is a little person...wierd!