Thursday, February 08, 2007

This Changes Everything

Y'all, I am totally in love! I just got my Shutterfly photo book in the mail and I'm totally in love with it. It is MY PRECIOUSSSSSSSSS. Do not touch it, for lo, you shall pay. I have 56 photos in there, with notes/journaling and it is flat and lightweight. Normally, if I printed out 56 photos I would put them in a heavy, bulky photo album.
Normally I print out all (and I mean alllllll my photos, put them into albums and try to write short memos about them in the album. Great, right? So, organized? Yes? No. No no no noooooo no nooooo. NOT ORGANIZED!!! The house is about to collapse under the weight of a million albums. My Monica Closet is bulging at the seams with photo boxes full of negatives, and piles of photos.

Also, as the years go by, I pilfer through the photos in my albums and remove the really good pics to go into frames or scrapbooks. They never make it back into the original album. But, MY PRECIOUSSSSS is "un-pilferable."

In other news of changes: Guess what is going on in this picture?

That's right! She decided to walk around outside. In fact, she decided to take off running down the driveway and down the street to the neighbors. All I had to do was mock her on the Internet, and voila! Does that mean if I make fun of her NOT NAPPING she will suddenly start? Somehow I doubt it.

Another change, this one for the worse:

Please, for the love of God, someone stop me with the crazy toddler hair-dos. It just isn't seemly. John says she looks like a martian now.


Lysandra said...

This is my favorite!

The Quinn Report said...

OH MY GOD....I so want a book like that!!! How and where do I get such a thing?

My wedding album is done like that, but I had to pay an arm and a leg for it.

Andrea and Ben said...

They should use your album as an example album, Becca is soooo cute! I just got my first one from Kodak gallery a while ago and am too in love! Why didn't we discover this sooner :0)

Jamie said...

I love her hair!!

I'm going to work on one of those books right now.

Anonymous said...

that book is PIMP. Pimp, i tell you, Pimp.

Unknown said...

I want one! I want one! Maybe for his 1st birthday which is looming just around the corner. How did that happen?!
The hair is officially out of control now Katie. Have you considered hats? They make toddler basebal caps, don't they? tee hee That was always my go to for bad hair days in college.

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

Glad you went digital. YEY!! Looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

Look at what is behind Becca in one of those pictures - a bookcase full of bulky photograph albums!

Angie said...

I think you may have to go with just a little bit of bang here, Katie.

I never considered doing the books INSTEAD of printing out pictures, since I've been doing that, too. Hmm. I don't know that it will save me money. I'll be thinking about it, though.

Jen said...

Love the photo book. Shutterfly is AWESOME, huh? I made one for our Vietnam trip 2 years ago, and I'm wondering how they have improved their books. I'm sure there's a lot more you can do with them now.

Mmmm, the hair. I like the Pebbles look better. =)

A Goldsworthy Note said...

I'm so happy to hear you like the Snapfish album because I just ordered one and I was a little nervous to see it.
As for Becca's hair...I love it like that. It's super cute on a baby.

Monica said...

I found your blog though momommy and ejoyed your stories on napping. While my children are no longer of the age to nap I can still remember how sweet it was when they did. And you have now made me very interested in getting pictures done in a format as you. Thanks for the idea!