Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Clouds Parted

We had a gloriously sunny day today, and we took advantage of it. Big Time. Becca went to two different playgrounds, a kiddie park, on a walk, shopping at Toys R Us and out to eat for Tex Mex. By the end of the day, she had some sun-coloring on her cheeks, we'd been through a variety of outfits and she had dirt caked under her nails. That is a day in heaven for a toddler.

We initially started out the day with the intention to go to the San Antonio Zoo. However, when we got down in that neighborhood, the traffic was so jammed up with minivan after minivan crammed with kids. You could just see the desperation in their parents' eyes after spending a rainy spring break cooped up inside. All I could envision were crowds of people, throngs of whiny children and more snot than I care to think about. You KNOW I can't take that.

We hightailed it out of there and went to a nearby playground and kiddie park instead. It is great for small kids, but I think it was a little scary for people who have ever watched any kind of horror movie. Who in their right mind designed such horrifying creatures? Becca had a great time sticking her hands in the nastiest looking gray water from the boat ride and then licking them. I heard all these other mothers standing around directing their kids NOT to touch the water! I am SO not a germaphobe. See? [Please God don't let her contract some rare waterborne disease.] She also really enjoyed the carousel once it got moving. I resisted any impulse to sanitize the carousel pole before she touched it. Progress, people! After dinner at the Patio Cafe (healthy Tex Mex!) we watched the sunset at a park at Randolph Air Force Base. Becca had a ball watching "Gee Gee" and "Papa" blow bubbles as I chased around behing her making sure she didn't fall down in a fire ant hill.


Sioux said...

Yay! It seems to me like being able to even go to a park with a scary clown trashcan beats freezing inside for months on end. Becca looks HUGE! I can't wait to see her!

The Quinn Report said...

There are a lot of fire ant hills here and I have noticed even more so on base. I wonder why that is? I can spot them out just by driving by in my car.

AAhh, I can't wait to see you and Becca! Her and Michael look all grown up now. Doesn't time just fly by with little ones around?

Okay, call me when you get back into town and we'll plan something! Have fun in Austin!

Joel and Angela said...

uhm....where is that clown? So we can stay away from it?

Andrea and Ben said...

Sounds like heaven...minus the clown from hell :0)

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

Do the photos mean that John has arrived safely? What a drive... and by yourself!! I'm sure that he has now solved all the problems of the world, and then some...

Lysandra said...

Glad she got dirty! I hope you get to enjoy the outdoors more often.

Kelly said...

I'm sure Becca is so happy to play, without her snowsuit! Glad you made it safe, and hope John is doing okay too.

Anonymous said...

We just went to the S.A. zoo today!! It was soooooo crowded! You were smart to go to a local park instead. :) Becca is getting so big--- can't wait to see her soon!

Jen said...

That clown is freaky. What the hell?

april said...

becca is so beautiful!