Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Calm and Springlike

I still have no new photos to post because John has my good camera and I don't know what happened to the old crappy camera. I think it is somewhere in one of my suitcases (which finally arrived, by the way) but I am not at all sure!

Not much going on. THANK GOD. I love just taking it easy and sleeping late (thank you jet lag and daylight savings time). Becca stays up until about 9 p.m. and sleeps until about 9 a.m. I LOVE that because I am actually well rested and don't even require a daily nap. I know. I can hear the collective intake of breath from my loyal readers!

Becca spent the first couple days exploring the new toys here for her. Then, she exhausted those and decided to start getting into mischief--the trash can, the stairs, the cabinet of poisons. You know. The usual. She loves being the center of attention and somehow she is taking two (TWO!) long naps a day. I think she has so much more stimulation than her normal boring life.

I am still loving the fact that it is warm down here. It just feels so alive and verdant and springlike. Too bad it keeps raining and raining so we have only been on one walk, much to Canyon's chagrin. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow.


Laura said...

"verdant" and "chargin"????? What is that Texas heat doing to you? I don't even know what those words mean. Anyhoo, be glad you are there and not here because our highs still have not been above 0. Uggghh.

The Quinn Report said...

Can't wait to see you! I think today is going to be a brighter day here! Bring on the sunshine!

Jamie said...

I'm a Texas girl myself, we live outside of Sheppard AFB.

I wish we were getting the rain that you are!

Are you guys in Texas for good?

Jen said...

That sounds wonderful. Naps. Sleeping in. Aah. Enjoy!

Lysandra said...

I love that your lexicon is just as strong as ever and that Texas isn't sucking your brains out yet....