Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Early Bird

Becca is still an early morning person, despite all my many and varied attempts to add a measly 30 minutes to her morning wake up time. She is usually awake before 6, although on good days she will play in her crib until 6:30 or even close to 7:00 on miracle days.

I started encouraging her to watch Barney from our bed in the mornings, thinking she would cuddle up and be still while I slept a bit more. But, no. She turns me and my bed into a jungle gym of epic proportions, jumping on the bed, head butting me, getting on and off the bed 8 million times while screaming, "MILK! Get down! Milk!" Worse, she has ended up with a sick Barney love affair that involves screaming his name every 3 seconds all day and singing the first 6 notes of his song over and over. Awwww. Her first song! But no extra sleep for Mama.

So, it is not yet 7 a.m. and she has already fallen down the garage stairs and is now in full-throttle destruction mode in the basement as I type. Jo Anne is here for a few days (Hoooooray for house guests!) We are trying to be quiet so she can sleep a little longer than some of us. But, really we're in the basement for another reason. The laptop is dead. They can recover our data, but the laptop will never come out of its coma. So, all computer dallying is now in the basement. So, here we are. Rocking on the rocking horse with wild abandon and throwing all the play plates on the floor. But, Becca is so happy and full-of-life in the mornings that it brings a smile to my bleary, tired eyes. My ears, though, are another story. "BAH-NEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


Erin said...

My sympathies on the loss of your computer.

Where DO they get that energy? Sometimes I wonder if someone is slipping Cal emphetamines. I have a few moments where I appreciate his youthful enthusiasm for life, and then I realize that this enthusiasm is actually sucking the life out of me. And THAT'S where he gets the energy.

zoot said...

You are a much better person than I am. I think if NikkiZ woke up that early I would chain her to her crib. Not because I don't want to be up - but I need at least an hour before her to get crap done! Or else my house would never be clean!

Tracy said...

I appreciate the little things like the girls laying in bed with us (mainly so we as the parents) can get an extra half an hour of sleep.) so much more after seeing Becca's energy in the morning. At least when you are up that early, she is in a good mood!
The computer note: I think your computer and mine are in coma heaven together. That is so odd that both of ours died in the same week. I am afraid to take it in. That would make it real that I NO longer have a laptop. SO sad for my blogging addiction. Maybe it is a form of AA meetings for blogging? Or maybe it is just making me get more exercise because I am coming up the stairs more to the desk top?

Enjoy your company!

Lysandra said...

UUUGGGGHHHHH! I know how it feels....6 am is normal wakeup time for us. We did have one lord prasining week in which he slept until 7 am. But, the next week it was over just as quickly as it started. Boo!

Angie said...

Why 6? Ashlyn does the same thing. It seems like it would be just easy for them to sleep a little later. Going to bed later doesn't help, either.

Andrea and Ben said...

You are right, at least she is happy! If she were a cranky person when she first woke up (like my sister) you would truly be miserable!
Sorry about the laptop. I feel your pain. ours died in Nov and we have slowly been retrieving data and photos. Boohoo.

Unknown said...

Zach did the same EVERY DAY for over 2 years, but about three weeks ago he started intermittently sleeping in until 8:30. Yes, 8:30!!! How luxurious! Hopefully it won't take Becca quite as long to start appreciating the benefits of sleeping in a bit.

Marie Green said...

Seems Becca and Marin are keeping the same hours. It's brutal.

Are you going to bury the laptop?

Jen said...

I knew there was a good reason I never let Kate watch Barney. Not that Dora is much better.

I'm sorry that Becca has not learned to sleep in. I fear the same with my youngest, and I dread never ever sleeping in again. I'm SO SORRY.