Monday, August 27, 2007


As I mentioned previously, I knew the cool weather was just here for a while. It was a nice break, but this last weekend the heat index was back up about 100. It was a hot, steamy, unbearable temperature for lil' ol' Norwegian me. Becca and I went to a giant outdoor garage sale with Tracy and her kids. It was basically a giant outdoor pile of crap with tons of people milling about. It was scorching! The girls were just sitting miserably in their strollers sweating, but they held up very well.

I bought this doll house and RV ("That there's an RV!") for 5 dollars! I went to Ebay to see if I could buy the furniture and dolls to match it. These "My Loving Family" toys are apparently quite collectible. It would cost me about 30 bucks to outfit the house. No way am I paying that for some cheap, plastic, used, OLD crap. I am now on the lookout for something else that will work.

Today we went to Picture People again because I had a coupon for a free photo (if you enter your baby in the YoBaby photo contest, which I did because...hello! Free photo!). It wasn't a great idea. Becca is in this crazy phase where she kind of freaks out if she thinks I might leave her somewhere. So, she basically clung on my neck, refusing to smile saying, "BYE BYE, Lady! Bye Bye! Hold You!" (She says, "hold you" to me when she wants me to pick her up.) Here is the picture. It is okay, but doesn't really look like her to me.

I love the lighting of studios, but I hate that I can't ever get her to smile her real smile when we are there.


joanna said...

The photo of Becca looks cute! Sometimes I take pictures of my kids that I don't think really look like them... strange how that happens. We use those Madame Alexander dolls that come with Happy Meals twice a year for our dollhouse - I bet Little People would work - or homemade dolls made out of the non-hinge type clothespins (just draw a face on with marker). My girls don't use the whole rooms of furniture - they make the dolls talk and have them sit or go to bed. The dolls never stand at a stove to make spaghetti (we don't have a stove) or sit down to eat it (we do have a Fisher Price table and chairs). Alan sometimes makes them sit on the potty (the dolls, that is).

Angie said...

A good photographer is the key. I don't mean being able to use a camera, but actually get your kid to smile. I can totally tell a difference with a photographer that is good with children. I still think Becca looks cute, though. And, hey, it was free!

Angie said...
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The Quinn Report said...

I love the photo of her!

Anonymous said...

That sometimes happens with my kids, too: the picture is fine, and I can see why the photographer would be baffled if I said I didn't like it--but it doesn't Look Like my child. I even say that: "Oh, it's good--but it doesn't Look Like him."

Tracy said...

she looks very adorable. Did they con you into any other photos? How long does that sale go on? Maybe I should take the girls??

Katie said...

They have to be under the age of two for the YoBaby thing. I checked for you, Tracy!

Joel and Angela said...

I have a bunch of things for a doll house. Every once in a while I ALMOST get rid of them and that is when the girls decide they want to play with them again. I will let you know if we get rid of it anytime soon!

Jen said...

I think that photo is very cute! She is smiling, in focus and has a ribbon in her hair. I don't know if you can ask for more than that, except for the picture to look like your kid. =)

Tess said...

Ugg, pictures of AD never, EVER, look "like her" to me.

Her face is always rounder, her hair darker, and her smile...somehow weirder.

Laura said...

Becca is just a little beauty! I don't see how you can go wrong having a sweet, little face like that. However, judging from the photo taken at home, her smile is obviously more relaxed and does in fact, look different.

It is so discouraging that you can't drag the photographer home with you to catch the "real" smiles from your kids.

Good luck on your audition. That's an incredible undertaking to even begin to know how sing a song like that!! Awesome!

I think they would charge a whole lot extra for that!

Laura said...

Not so sure what happened to my comment when published...

I was referring to the photographer costing a whole lot extra!


Anonymous said...

hey - when's your audition? did you already have it? how did it go? i miss hearing you sing!

Andrea and Ben said...

I, too, think she looks precious! You are right though, it doesn't really look like the Becca you take pictures of, funny!

Anonymous said...

I love Becca's photo! I showed it to some of my cow friends today and they were mighty impressed, too! She looks so grown up!
