Sunday, September 23, 2007

Just Can't Get Enough

You'll be glad to know I am off of my hotdog kick. Like, totally off. A little revolted about how many hot dogs I have eaten since May. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Ugh. My new kick is this:

Buffalo Chicken Salad. Preferrably with slivered almonds, cucumbers, red bell peppers, tomatoes, edamame and blue cheese crumbles.

Feeling all revved up on protein and fresh vegetables, I bought the paint for the yellow Sunshine Suite (soon to be light blue/gray, if I picked correctly) and the Guacamole-on-crack bathroom (soon to be neutral/taupe). I started taping one of the rooms, but have been overcome with an intense desire for a nap. The big white fluffy is calling to me....gotta go.

*Update: OMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD. My child WILL NOT nap and I am about to bust someone in the chops. It has been a week and she has only taken ONE decent nap. ONE.


A Goldsworthy Note said...

YUMMY!!! That salad looks terrific. Will you share the chicken recipe?

Katie said...

The recipe: Buy one bag of frozen Tyson Boneless Buffalo Chicken from grocery store. Heat in microwave. Done.

Thanks to Tracy for that idea!

Angie said...

The salad does sound good. I have been a bit nauseous about most vegetables lately, except salad. Problem though, I don't make good salads.

And, I'm so sorry about the nap thing. I love naps. for her and for me.

Anonymous said...

Turns out my pyogenic granuloma is common during pregnancies. Hmmm maybe I am pregnant

Joel and Angela said...

OOO! That looks good!!! Did you make that?
I have to comment on all your post in one comment box. I am lazy! The post about painting your rooms made me laugh. I love how you have a name for every room. But I think the colors you picked sound great. We are about to get our kitchen cabinets painted. YEA! So it will look TOTALLY different after that gets done.

Marie Green said...

That looks good!

I'm going to have to try it...

The Quinn Report said...

You mean to tell me that naps will shortly come to an end for Salem. Oh my God, what am I going to do? How will I get ANYTHING done? I thought the nap thing cam to an end around 5 or 6. Was I high for always considering such a thing?

Katie said...

Noel--I don't think naps should come to an end this early. I think something is going on....2 year molars? Growing pains? Bad dreams? Something.

I took naps until the first day of kindergarten and DAMMIT so will Becca. Even if she just sits in her bed for 2 hours and plays. SHE WILL give me a break until she is of school age. Or....or...else.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for Becca's nap strike! That is the absolute worst. We've been through it a couple of times and here is what worked for us...hope it does for you as well. First, try putting her down earlier, even if it's only 15 minutes. It sounds crazy but damn if it didn't work for Braden. He started going down easy and slept longer! The other thing, and begrudgingly I admit Neal discovered this, was to take him in his room about 15-30 minutes before nap, dim the lights, make it a zen space (yes, I said zen) and let him play quietly/read to him for a bit before you lay him down. He doesn't seem to need this second part any more but it worked at the time. Maybe it reassured him in some way? Who knows if this will work for you but I'm sending good thoughts!
Don't you wish someone would do all that for you?! What a life.
Oh-and I'm buying those Chicken tenders on my next commissary trip. Yum.

Katie said...

Cheryl--thanks for the advice. Maybe going down a little earlier will help. Starting around 11, I can tell she is totally tired. Usually I try to hold her off until 12:15 or 12:30, but maybe I need to start a bit sooner.

We always dim the lights and read a few books before, but I think you're right--she may need a bit more wind down time. High Maintenance Baby!

Tess said...

OH.MY.GOD. I love Buffalo chicken salad. Anything with blue cheese, actually. I must have one immediately, 9 am be damned!

Unknown said...

I've got a high maintenance sleeper too! I used to try holding him off until I realized that if I put him down after noon, sleeping wouldn't happen. He's got a window (from about 11:15 to 11:45) and if I miss it, it's no good for anyone! MUST preserve the nap!

Katie said...

Nap update: We started the wind down period at 11:45 today. Read FIVE books and tossed her in the bed. It is now 1:24 and I haven't heard a peep. Oh. She also has a disgustingly NASTY runny nose, so she got a dose of cold medicine so she could sleep. I mean, breathe. yeah.

Jen said...

MMM...buffalo sauce. LOVE.

Funny about the recipe. =)

And way to go on the nap! Kate has a window, too, and if we miss it, life sucks for everyone. I hope you have found your solution!

A Goldsworthy Note said...

YEA! I'm happy that's all the buffalo chicken on your salad was. Funny thing is that I just got back from the grocery store with Tyson Boneless Buffalo Chicken. hehehe. I told you I thought yours looked good...I've been thinking about that salad ever since I read your blog.

Also, I need to get better at this blog thing because you had 14 posts to your blog. I'd have to pay people to get that many. I'm guessing it's because I'm so inconsistent...right?

Anonymous said... cheese dressing. want blue cheese. and sushi, and a glass of wine, and sushi, and brie, and ....did i mention sushi?

what's up with this? i thought i'd crave stuff that I can ACTUALLY HAVE? you know the craziest part? i also want the cigarette!

so bogus.

anonymously preggers

Anonymous said...


before you even THINK it, let me answer: of COURSE, i'm not smoking. or, eating anything i'm not supposed to.


Katie said...

Dear Anonymous....
I am still fairly certain I know who you are, but I must say...this is the best way to TORMENT me. I need to KNOW who you are for sure so I can whoop and holler with glee! I hope you aren't feeling too sick!

Anonymous said...

dear yap- in reading my last comment, i'm sure you DO know who i am... i didn't even try to disguise my normal "voice." lazy me. oh well. tempted to call you today. hmmm...

Katie said...

Dear Anonymous--I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to meet the baby in April! Thank you for calling! YAY! HOORAY! A NEW BABE! Whooo Hooooo! Now you have to start your own blog! :)