Sunday, September 09, 2007

Miss Pissy Pants and the Grumpy Mom

*Updated at bottom*

It is 4:44 p.m. and I have totally HAD it. I am done. It has been one of those days.

There is a giant disgusting pile of dog barf on the floor of the screened-in porch and I cannot stop gagging long enough to do anything about it. I can't even hose it off because it is screened-in underneath. *Grehhhhhhhpppf* Just typing this small sentence about it is sending my gag reflex into overdrive. I think I'm going to go throw a paper towel on top of it because it is clearly visible through the kitchen doors and I cannot see it one more time or I will just die. Just keel over and never return.

Becca has some kind of stomach something going on as well. I'll spare you the details, but they are gross. She hasn't eaten much of anything all day, save for about four Cheerios, two slices of cheese and part of a peach.

That isn't the problem. The problem is that she is just being a complete pain in the ass. She has basically just thrown one giant 10 hour temper tantrum all day. I know it is because she isn't feeling well due to impending teeth or a stomachache or something (Please God tell me this isn't her new personality), but it doesn't make it much easier to deal with. She cried to go outside. Then, she cried as soon as we got outside, went to the door and cried to go inside. Once back inside? You guessed it. Cried. She cried for me to give her some Play Doh. Then she threw it on the floor and cried when I tried to give it back to her. She cries every time I leave the room, yet she won't follow me. She just stands there and throws a fit. She won't let me hold her. She won't let me reason with her. It is like she is just pissed off today.

I even took her out shopping to Toys R Us, thinking it would bring us both some sanity and a change of venue. It didn't. It only brought us home another doll stroller, a frazzled mother and a pissy toddler.

She really just wants to sit on the floor amongst her toys and watch one episode of Barney after another. But, I just can't bring myself to let her watch any more. She's already seen three episodes today, which is three more than she should have seen, and three more that I hope never to see again. Or, she would like to go outside and just run into the street over and over and over, watching me get madder and madder with some kind of sick glee. She is semi-content if I sit and play with her and put on and take off every pair of shoes she owns over and over. So, basically I've done that all day in between the tantrums. I am just not in the mood to do that for the next three hours before bedtime. Plus, there is stuff I want to do. Like mopping or laundry. (Ahhh..the joys of childfree housework.) Also, I would like to spend two seconds on the computer without someone pulling my hair and screaming "MAMA! MAMA!"Or, maybe I could just sit with a beer and not talk or not hear ANYTHING. Can I just close my eyes and will that barf pile to clean itself up?

These are the days I wish I lived near my mom and dad. I wish I could just drive us over to their house and say, "Please entertain us and let us stay for dinner, too." But, I don't have that luxury. I have many others, but just not that one. I just have to make it through the rest of the day and tomorrow will be better, just because I know John will be here.

*Update: Tonight after reading books and right before I put her in her crib, Becca cuddled with me for a loooong time. She is not cuddly at all normally. In fact, we often liken her to Pepe Le Pew's cat girlfriend who always tries to escape his clutches. It was so nice to have her snuggling up to my shoulder and saying "Uh Hold You" whenever it seemed I was going to stand up. That is Becca code for "Hold Me." It was precious. It almost made up for the hellacious day. Almost.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure we had times like that with you and your sibs, but I can't remember any. Either you guys were perfect, or selective memory is a great coping mechanism! Wish we were closer so we could give you a break!

Just remember - adult children are fabulous!!

joanna said...

I've had times like that. Alan in the bath - screaming because he didn't want to get in and then screaming that he didn't want to get out. I'm sure her attitude has something to do with not wanting to eat. Not that that makes it any easier to deal with! Good luck and maybe bedtime will come early ! Plus, I think dried cat yack is easier to clean up than wet - maybe the same goes for dog barf.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!

Tracy said...

What is it in the air because I am just about to throw my children out the window as well. Is it bedtime yet? I want my mommy (or anyother relative at this point)who will take them and entertain them. "Calgon, take me away" Damn, that didn't work, they are still whining.

The Quinn Report said...

We're having the same kind of day and can't wait for Andrew to return home tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Us too today. Yikes. When the twins get like that, I put them in the tub--it seems to break them out of it a little. Then pjs, sippee cups of juice, and some nice, nice television, and mommy has a giant shot of vodka. (Not really.) (Well, sometimes really.) (No, just kidding.) (Or am I?)

renee said...

there is a reason that God made it so that we don't remember early childhood. Can you imagine how our children would feel about us some day if they could remember toddlerhood??????Thank goodness they will have no clear recognition of what it took to keep them alive and their parents sane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to read the update and see that at least the end of the day was okay! Hope both you and she feel better tomorrow.

Tracy said...

Okay, I guess you will have to keep her another day. Shut the window, don't throw her out. OF course, how is that puke going? Did John have fun cleaning htat one up?

Anonymous said...

I HATE days like that.. Uggh! I feel your pain.

Angie said...

Those are the days that we go on any walks. Good luck with the puke.

Andrea and Ben said...

Whew, I am tired just reading it. Its a new week, yay!

Jen said...

Those days are just horrible! We have them, too, so you are not alone in the toddler-hell that is right now.

The one great thing about these times is the cuddling you get out of it. Sigh.

april said...

i love to hear other mothers call their child a pain in the ass. a big smile spreads across my face as i realize that im not the only one that gets to that point with my child. i actually thought about getting a job today LOL just for a second though :)

Unknown said...

Isn't it funny how a good snuggle can just about erase all of a mommy's frustration? If they could bottle that feeling, it would SO be my drug of choice. Hang in there. This too shall pass. I've had days where if I could act like a toddler and get away with it.....