Wednesday, October 17, 2007

All I Need... a good kick in the ass. Also, a casserole of comfort food, preferrably with lots of cheese in it and maybe some cream of chicken soup, a bottle of wine, some reassuring words, and a KICK in the ASS.

I cannot seem to get motivated. I have a long list of minor projects that I have been needing to do for MONTHS. Make routine doctor and dental appointments, paint four more rooms, caulk some shit around the house, finish unpacking (hello! It has been almost 5 months since we moved in!), hang stuff on the walls, spray paint some shit, plant some more bulbs, wash my car. You know, responsible adult shit.

Every day I face the same cycle. Wake up, procrastinate, go to bed, berate self. Toss and turn making huge to-do lists for the next day. Repeat.

Well, I gotta run. I'm off to procrastinate for a few more hours!


Jen said...

I'm not sure how to kick you from thousands of miles away. Oooh, I know! Are you having guests for the holidays? That always gets me to work on stuff.

You were the one who told me not so long ago that I should just concentrate on one thing per day. Moms cannot be expected to do more than that in 24 hours! Just pick one a day. You can do it!

Andrea and Ben said...

You are NOT alone!! We all have our procrastination points.

I agree with Jen. Having people over always gets me motivated. If I want Ben to help, I tell him we are throwing a party and he is a cleaning machine :0)

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

Ready, Set GO!!!!!

Grab the wine bottle and get to work!

The Quinn Report said...

I have found that I get a TON of shit done more often if I make lists and then cross them off as I go. You actually feel like you're getting ahead when you see it in writing and mark a line through a chore when you're finished with it. I feel better about myself when I do so.

Unknown said...

You are definitely NOT alone!! I agree with Jen on both of her points. I also agree with quinn report that there is nothing better than crossing things off a list. In the mommy world, the list has to be WAY toned down though. My suggestion (which again sounds like I'm parroting jen) is to make the list reasonable. 3 things tops! That way, at the end of the day, you feel so great. Who cares if there are 25 more things to do?! In the words of Scarlet O'Hara, "I'll think about that tomorrow."

Anonymous said...

Whoa! It's hard to plunge into projects that take time and concentration when you are taking care of a toddler. You do PLENTY every day if you stop to think about it. Much of your activity is family maintenance - and you don't always have much to show for it at the end of the day! But, Becca's been read to, you've been on a walk with Canyon, you've kept your writing skills fresh and made your readers happy...

I'm with Jen and Cheryl - get reasonable - no more huge "to do" lists!

Hook 'Em

Tracy said...

Are you mind-reader? I swear I just thought of that tonight and was talking to my mom about it. I make all these list and then do maybe one thing off of it. I also have great intentions after the girls go to sleep..then end up sitting on the couch eating some sort of chocolate watching the many shows I can never seem to catch up with on the DVR (what a fabulous invention huh?)

Sioux said...

Hey, I'm procrastinating, too! Maybe if I comment enough here, my paper will write itself!!!

Angie said...

We have internet again as of yesterday, so, instead of spending much of my day unpacking and cleaning as I intended, I was on the computer ALL DAY LONG. So, I totallly get the procastination thing. It's really how I live my life.

A Goldsworthy Note said...

That sounds like me. Did you get inside of my head? I keep telling myself I'm relaxing before I start working, but c'mon how horrible is that excuse. As for the casserole dish with cheese...I have a yummy one "Double Cheese Delight" that I started making in college and is loved by many. I'll post it on Quaff & Nosh...if I can remember how to get on there.