Thursday, January 31, 2008

Un. Effing. Believable.

Y'all will NOT believe this. I had an appointment with Sears Piece-Of-Crap portrait studio today. I got myself all gussied up--in a crisp white shirt that had actually been DRY CLEANED (in case I decided to jump in a picture.) I got Becca's nice dresses all ready to go. I fretted over her hair. I blew it dry. I blew mine dry. I put on layers of eye shadow, people.

I called Sears, just to be sure that the photographer would actually be there. And, by golly! He answered the phone. I was overjoyed! "Hello," I said. "I have an appointment in a half-hour and just wanted to confirm that YOU would actually be there." [Internal dialogue: "I am so SMART to call ahead. This is totally going to pay off!"]

Him: "Actually, no. I'm leaving soon."

Me: "Ha! That's funny."

Him: .....silence....

Me: "Really? Are you kidding?"

Him: "No. I'm serious. I just had something really bad happen."

Me: "Well, you've had FOUR really bad things happen in the last two months and they always seem to be when I have an appointment with you. I'm getting sick and tired of this. This is ridiculous."

Him: "No. It is really, really bad. I am trying not to......[sob] cry right now [sob sob sob]. Give me a minute to collect myself."

Me:"...Ummm. Hello? I have a coupon that expires today. I expect you will honor that at our next appointment, right?"

Him: "[sob!] Yes. How does Monday sound?"

You can't even make this shit up. This might be the most unreliable person I have ever encountered in the working world. What should I do? I mean, I really stand to get a MAJOR discount if I actually go there on Monday. But, GEEEEZUS. How much can a person take?


justme said...

fuck sears

Jen said...

So he didn't tell you what the really bad thing was?

I hate going to get pictures done! We had a membership to JC Penny's here, and mostly it sucked. It was a 30-minute trek each way and frankly the only reason I kept going was because they were so cheap, and I was weird and wanted to get pictures every month until Kate turned one.

Now that our membership expired, and Claire is one, I think I'm going to stick with Picture People. They are way more expensive, but so much more convenient here.

It sure is a good thing you called! You should call again on Monday and then go in and totally get all the deals you can and then perhaps never go back again.

Anonymous said...

I'm astounded you even tried to go back!! To hell with the lot of 'em!!

Andrea and Ben said...

Seriously, did you not get Sears message. They are trying to run you off, forget that place!!!!! Fur realz Katie.

Anonymous said...

Okay- seriously the guy working at Sears cannot be THAT good. You have put yourself through hell dealing with Sears. Please hire a reliable and good private photographer, go to Picture People or come to Austin and have my sister take some pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

another vote for ditching sears. there must be another way. private photogs are significantly more expensive, but there has to be another option in your big city! good luck and...

eff sears.

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

What happened? I mean, he was crying, right.

joanna said...

I will be so disappointed if you go back. CUT SEARS OFF. You know what's going to happen the next time. THE SAME THING THAT'S HAPPENED EVERY OTHER TIME. You've wasted enough energy on them. Tracy will drive you to Picture People. I'm sure she will. NO DISCOUNT IS WORTH IT. I will be SO disappointed if you go back. Really.

Swistle said...

Ha ha! I can't believe you yelled at someone who was crying!

I suggest going in and refusing to leave until he produces the death certificate for a member of his immediate family.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what was wrong.

Marie Green said...

I too am cracking up at the fact that SOBBING didn't even phase you, b/c you are THAT DONE with facking Sears.

That's pretty funny.

I don't know how many times my "grandma died" in college...

Anonymous said...

Dude, go somewhere else! Give up. They suck!

The Quinn Report said...

I cannot believe that bullshit. Time to find a new photographer. WTF? Seriously.

Unknown said...

At this point, it's almost worth it to shell out a shit load of money for a professional photographer. Hey, get a family photo done. Time is money and Sears has seriously wasted your time and will, most likely, continue to do it again. I know you have a coupon. But, screw the coupon, pay for what you really want and be done with it. You'll be so much happier. My husband is frugal. But, at this point, he'd be driving me to the best photographer in town so he wouldn't have to see (or hear about once again) me go through it again. You've tried to go about it so that you could save money and it just hasn't worked out. Treat yourself to some really good photo's. You'll be so happy you did.

Angie said...

I can't imagine that the pictures from Sears will be worth all of the trouble that you have gone through so far. If you do manage to get pictures taken on Monday, you will have to share the end result with us.

Anonymous said...

"Curses! Foiled AGAIN!" You sure are a glutton for punishment. Sears does NOT want you to get pictures and they will continue to do everything in their power to stop you. I'm telling you, try the lady that Amalah used on her website. The photos were fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Bevo = gullible??

I was worried about the poor sobbing guy - that is, until I remembered going without hot water for THIRTEEN days while we waited for Sears to help us!

Cut your losses!

Joel and Angela said...

Was he serious!???? Did something bad really happen? Did he sound for real? That is unbelievable!
We HAVE to get our family pics done THIS WEEKEND!!! Katheryn is getting her first loose tooth!!! AHHH!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with feener word for word, the same goes for "the evil empire"(walmart) & target.Take your bussiness elsewhere.I know you dont live in Poduck nowhere.

Tracy said...

Okay Sgtsharp, I think you might be stepping on sacred talking about Target!
Katie, Just think of the discount you should be able to get. On a first year salary, it is very appealing. Maybe I should go help you put the smackdown!! THEN, after that, you don't have to go back!!

joanna said...

Okay, so Tracy probably wouldn't drive you to Picture People. Let's try this approach. You have so many wonderful pictures of Becca that you don't have enough albums to put them in. You don't need Sears.