Sunday, December 10, 2006

Barf-o-Rama '06


Brace yourselves. There is just no way to tell you what's been going on without making you gag. It has been just complete and total nastiness around here for the past few days. A virulent stomach virus has made it's way through all three of us. It started with Becca earlier in the week. Then, it had me laid out on my back for 24 hours. I couldn't stand up long enough to change a diaper. It also had me holding a baby covered in puke, while puking myself, while Canyon was licking up baby puke. Oh yes. 'Tis true.

Now John has it and hasn't gotten out of bed all day. Becca still doesn't appear to be over it, plus now she is doing the whole non-napping teething bit. She has woken up in vomit for 4 days. We went to the doctor who told us it was a stomach bug that lasts anywhere from 24-72 hours. It has been hanging around long enough.

Once I recovered enough to stand up for longer than 20 seconds I started sanitzing and washing the entire house and all household contents. I think the Lysol has begun searing itself into my skin. The washing machine is groaning under the ten million loads I have been doing.

So, in a nutshell, our weekend was pretty much nasty and awful and my worst of all phobias come true. I am traumatized.


The Quinn Report said...

I'm so sorry you had such a yucky weekend. That is def. no fun.

Hope you get feeling better ASAP!

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

That SUCKS!!! Sending you healthy thoughts!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a miserable weekend. I hope everyone is feeling better and gets well soon.

Angie said...

Yuck! Aren't you flying out soon, too?

Jamie said...

I hope you all get to feeling better soon!

Jen said...

No fun! It's so hard to take care of a baby when you're sick. Hope you and John didn't have it at the same time, and that you're all better now.

Anonymous said...

Are y'all feeling any better?

Andrea and Ben said...

Yuck! Hope y'all are getting back to normal!