Friday, January 05, 2007


Everyone should have a perpetual college-age sibling! I always think I'm pretty with it until I start talking to Susan. She is the first actual person I knew who started their own blog. I am so glad she taught me about that! I still don't get the whole iPod thing. Or MySpace. I am just too damn old for that. Anyway, this week I have learned:

  • the meaning of crunk
  • that Austin has more free WiFi places than Manhattan
  • the location of a hookah bar
  • that the current file sharing program I use is cracking down and I need to switch to some crazy new-fangled one
  • what Face Book is
  • that I look like a Republican (Am! Not! Republican!)
  • that my cell phone ring tone should sound like actual music
  • that most yogurts are not actually vegetarian because they contain gelatin
  • that you should press your tofu before cooking it
  • that Mom and Dad's TV has some cool free Movies on Demand Channel
  • that you can make your own cool 3-D person at

In return, I have taught her some really handy and relevant things, such as, uh.....well I must have imparted some wisdom. Surely. Well, I mentioned that she should never drink Jaeger Meister unless she wants to sleep in her own vomit. And, um...we experimented with a new hairstyle I read about online, and....ummmm.....let's see....we talked about babies and what hours they sleep...and....that....

God. I really am lame.


Jen said...

Oh My God. I must be So Old. I have no idea what any of those phrases mean, except iPod (I don't understand the whole big idea, either). And I've heard of myspace. Thanks for making me feel old, Katie! ;-)

Oh, and I don't know what a Republican looks like, but I'm sure you don't look like one. No worries.

Angie said...

I was thinking the same thing as Jen, since I also didn't understand most of those phrases. I did know about the gelatin thing in yogurt, because Ashlyn's Grandma Harris is a vegetarian.

I'm glad that you could help her out with the vomit thing, though.

Andrea and Ben said...

Haha! I heart feeling old.....really I do :0( I love that you look like a republican. It is better than being mistaken for someone else (by old smoker ladies that are close talkers) every time we go out!!

Lysandra said...

I can't believe you didn't know what crunk was! You do look republican...but that's cool! The stuff about yogurt and tofu just means you don't hang out with enough vegetarians and that's because you eat meat. I only know that cause I went to hippie school in Tucson. You'll get higher education there.

Anonymous said...

Your meez chick weirds me out a little. She looks... maybe stoned? and those dance moves- now they are classic.

The Quinn Report said...

I don't know what half of those phrases mean either.

Hey, are you still in Texas? If you are, when do you head back to AK?

Katie said...

Maybe my Meez is crunk!

Anonymous said...

Go Buckeyes! I'll be cheering for you!

Sioux said...

there's a simple formula:
headband + pearls = republican

Anonymous said...

Gee...I've known about pressing the excess water out of tofu since the 1970s. Does that mean I'm 'with it'? (I've never been a strict vegetarian; but as an impoverished graduate student, I needed to keep my food budget as small as possible. These days, however, tofu costs about as much as hamburger. I still have my copies of Recipes for a Small Planet and The Book of Tofu.) I probably look like a Republican, too -- that must be why we received a letter from the local Republican candidate asking for money!