Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Things are speeding up. Suddenly I have realized that we could conceivably have movers here next week. Or, early the following week and OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD we haven't done ANYTHING to prepare, unless you count John putting most of the canned goods out on the counter. Everything is in disarray and we still don't know a goddamn thing about anything. I HATE dealing with some of the people we have to deal with. It is like their heads are permanently up their asses and no one can tell us ANYTHING and even if they did tell us something we wouldn't hear it because their mouth is up near their small intestine.

Somehow John has to run around and get all this stuff together that IS NOT HIS JOB TO DO. And, after all the busting of his butt to get things done and through the system (that he isn't REALLY supposed to be doing) somehow they STILL can't tell us shit. We don't have movers scheduled yet and half the damn military population of the Fairbanks North Star Borough is trying to move right now and they won't schedule our move because the people in charge of the paperwork portion are sniveling idiots.

Ahem. Where was I? Oh. Right. Panic mode. It is where I dwell on a semi-permanent basis. Come over and visit sometime, if you need a cure for low blood pressure and a clear complexion.

Every day I think to myself, "I should do something to prepare." But, then I think, "We don't even know when we're leaving, so why bother packing? We might be stuck here for three more weeks." So, then I don't do anything except feel my heart racing, my face breaking out in 98 new stress pimples and my eyeballs bugging out of my head as I start to have a panic attack. Maybe I'll just go take a leeeetle teensy nap. It might make me feel better.

Oh. Wait. I can't nap because my kid has some kind of sporty diarrhea stomach bug and two molars coming in and spends the entire day crying and whining and NOT SLEEPING. Oh my lands, isn't life just a bowl of cherries?


Angie said...

I know when I am moving, the movers are here RIGHT NOW, and I am still in panic mode. I too spend a good time there.

A Goldsworthy Note said...

Reading your post makes me laugh at myself as I think back to my stress moments before leaving AK. Oh, by the way...did I ever tell the story how I was on my hands and knees at 5am looking for my diamond in the snow the day we left AK?
When it's all over you'll be able to sit back and relax in your PERMANENT home...awwww, how nice will that be!

Anonymous said...

my dear kates, it will be alright, i promise you. one box at a time. don't set yourself up for failure by saying "i have to get a lot done today or else i'll never be ready." rather, say "today, i am going to pack three boxes. that's it." then, after you can SEE your progress, your stress will decrease. one box at a time. can't build rome in a day, my love.