Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy Go Lucky

It mostly seems that I write about Becca only when things are a little crazy, or I need advice, or I'm having one of those bad Mom Days. But lately things have just been going along smoothly. [Internal dialogue: I shouldn't write this entry. I shouldn't write this entry! Murphy's law. Shit will go downhill if I keep writing....help! I can't stop!]

She has been waking up much past 7 and often past 8 a.m. this last week. So, that right there makes my life A-okay. She is taking longer naps during the day and her waking hours have been great. I know. I know. It is like sleep is all I ever focus on. It is genetic. I can't help it.

Anyway--Becca has been in a good mood, able to play by herself (providing I am nowhere near the TV, phone or computer because then all hell breaks loose) and is just an all-around ray of sunshine. Of course, she still gets into mischief on a regular basis, but she is so cute and happy while doing it that it is impossible to be too mad at her.

She is in the midst of the famed post-18 month language explosion. I can't even keep track of how many words she says and she says multiple new words every single day. We have a chatterbox in the works. Look out, world! Also, she really loves imitating every single thing I do or say. I guess it is time to start watcing my language. Shit.

Today I gave her a cheap plastic recorder from the dollar store and the expression on her face was as though I had just handed her a stick of solid gold. She would blow in it and then just laugh and laugh at how funny that was. I took some video of it, but am just too lazy to find all the cables and remember how to upload it. But, I will soon. Maybe.

It cracks me up to see her in my shoes, with my purse, trying to push her little baby stroller around the house. Or, when she tries to boss Canyon around I can hardly keep from laughing out loud. "Down Teh-Deh! Down! Shit! Shit!" I didn't even teach her that lovely word--it is just how "sit" comes out when she says it! At least, that is what I tell myself.


Tracy said...

That is okay, when Madison was little, when she said truck, it had a "F" sound instead of a "TR" sound. That was great in a crowd!

I really miss you. I am not usually this kind of friend, I am usually home ALOT more than this. After You get, it is all you me and the girls!

Don't forget to use our swingset while we are away!

Lysandra said...

What?!!! Where is the real Katie? No ailments or complaints? No toddler terror? I think the sunshine is really affecting you! Glad to hear she is sleeping and happy and that you are happy too. It makes me happy for you!

Andrea and Ben said...

Sounds like life is dandy this week....cheers to that! Becca as always is adorable in her pic. Thanks for sharing!

Angie said...

Yeah, sleep!

On our end, it seems like a switch was pulled when she turned two! As in terrible. She has started hitting me, constantly. Of course, we also went on leave the day after she turned two, so that could also have something to do with it. We'll see

As for the language, I hope that Ashlyn will forget a couple of words that she has learned lately. It would help if I would stop using them.

Erin said...

I *love* the 18+ month language development! It's freaking hilarious when they use new words. I love that she gives orders to the dog too. Please send video!

The Quinn Report said...

As always, such a beautiful photo of sweet Becca!

molly said...

Yes, yes, a video is in order. Show us this speaking child.