Sunday, July 08, 2007

Howdy Y'all! is good to be in Texas. Especially when this was awaiting me in my room at my parents' house:
Our trip went relatively well. However, at one point, when I realized we still had two more hours on the plane and Becca had played and rejected every toy, was no longer hungry for any snacks and was tired and cranky I said to myself, "This sucks. Why am I doing this?" The only thing that made her happy was to stand on my stomach, feet kicking me repeatedly, facing backwards with her head jammed between the two seats yelling, "HI!" to the people behind us and reaching back through the seat crack to try to grab their drinks and drop her half-gummed raisins on their tray tables. Oh yes. I am that person now.

Then, 20 minutes after getting off the plane, my disheveled hair glopped onto my cheek with some kind of sticky substance, I said to my mom, "It is SO awesome that I am here! Why don't I do this more often?" I guess that means that things went as well as could be expected.

We are now in the presence of The Becca Admiration Society, basking in its adoring glow. Every movement, every laugh, every word is met with approving gazes and encouragement by her grandparents. Being a grandchild is great.

Grandpa Jack taught Becca how to make blueberry pancakes. She wasn't sure about the blender, but once she was allowed to stick her hand in the sugar bowl and lick her fingers she changed her mind. She didn't eat any of the pancake, but rather picked out all the blueberries and only ate them.
Then, Grandpa Jack taught her how to make blackberry pies. She was enthralled with the fruity sugar water in the bottom of the bowl. More sticky fingers. She also really loved it when Grandpa dipped some raw pie crust in the pink juice and let her eat that.
I have instructed Grandpa Jack that the next pie needs to be apple. Because for the love of GOD I am sick of wiping bright purple juice off of everything! In fact, I am pretty sure I never want to see another berry of any kind. I am not loving this new Vampire Baby look.

Uncle David came over and played "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" with Becca and our parents. Becca would touch her head at the right time, but she couldn't figure out how to touch her shoulders and so would just fling herself on the floor laughing hysterically. It happened over and over and over. We all about busted a gut laughing about it. Of course, she was only wearing a diaper because of the spaghetti dinner followed by blackberry pie MESS!

Check out those bangs! GAH!


Tracy said...

Sign me up for a bottle of that! There is something great about being "home" isn't there? It is amazing how grown adults can and will do anything when a grandchild comes in the room. This is a time you and Becca will always remember. Savor every moment! (Plus you have SOO many extra hands and eyes to help out!)

Andrea and Ben said...

Damn cute kid you have!! I love that you immediately forget about travel woes once you are there or your parents would only see you if they visited the east coast! Love the pics, thank you for sharing all of them :0)

The Quinn Report said...

I'm getting ready for a trip with Salem on Friday. Hope mine goes a smoothly as yours!

Lysandra said...

Her bangs look awful! If your real friends won't tell you or agree, who will? Have fun. Oh, I love the vampire toddler look!

Erin said...

"The Becca Administration Society," that is hilarious. Also love the photo of the vampire Becca. Soak up all that family love! Also, I cannot WAIT to have a little Mommy Time Out wine myself. Only 2 more weeks...

Unknown said...

Ok...I thought you were overreacting with the bangs at first but...they are awful! At least they're getting longer, right? The other thing: will your parents be grandparents to Braden too? What fun they are! I may have joined Becca in a little blueberry sauce myself.