Tuesday, July 24, 2007

On Being Spontaneous

Here's the thing about adventures. Sometimes they can suck. Like, when your neighbor convinces you that it would be fun to drive three hours to the Maryland shore to check out the beach and then drive home that same day.

Then you listen to your toddler whine for three straight hours. Then, you spend four hours chasing your kid around the beach and attempting (unsuccessfully) to keep sand off their hands and face long enough to feed them a sandwich. Then, you lose your sunglasses. Followed by a giant struggle to haul all your sandy shit back to the burning hot car. Tell your friends you cannot fathom spending any time on a boardwalk with a toddler who has not napped and is coated in sand. Get in the car and drive three hours home with an ass chapped raw from sitting on sand for three hours.

Sometimes I really start to doubt my own intelligence. However, I do not doubt my optimism. I am glad I did it. Yes, it is true. I am glad. Because I got to see most of Delaware and parts of Maryland I hadn't yet seen. I got to hang out at the beach with someone who loves it, and that is always a good thing.


The Quinn Report said...

Did you get a tan? If you did, then it was worth all the ass pain!

Tracy said...

The hour plus quiet time on the way home was pretty nice too!

Angie said...

But, Becca had fun?! Good day.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Fool!

(Not Really)

Andrea and Ben said...

Those are the moments that make you a stronger person and in the end you are happy you did them, even if at the time you were miserable. You are a good role model.

Lysandra said...

God she looks like John in that last pic!

Jen said...

You are a brave soul! And an optimist, yes. Way to go on the adventures! You wouldn't have such great stories without them.

Joel and Angela said...

I have done things like that before (thinking that it would be so fun). Then afterwards, I tell myself I won't ever do that again. Then about a week later....I find myself taking the 3 little munchkins out and wishing I hadn't.
But you end up laughing about it later. They usually do end up loving it. It is just the parent who is exhausted and grumpy.

Erin said...

I know what you mean... it would be so much EASIER to stay home all the time, but then again it would be rather boring. But easier... Except for the boredom... Adventures certainly come with a price, and usually a good dose of exhaustion.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...the picture of lil B with the sand goatee makes me want to run for the wet wipes. I can totally imagine the futility of trying to keep the sand out of her mouth and eyes.

You are a patient woman!!!