Thursday, September 20, 2007

Screw This Decorating Crap

I have much bigger fish to fry Namely, my child is on a massive NAP STRIKE. Third day in a row. All crying, no sleeping. (Well, she did sleep for 43 minutes today, but that doesn't COUNT! Because she wakes up crying and angry and I don't get to lay down at all.) Are there scab kids I can hire to come and take a quiet two hour nap whilst my kid is out picketing in traffic?

I really, really, REALLY cannot take a full day of toddler duty with no nap. It is just almost more than any person should have to handle. Especially after I went and did something really stupid. I have a temporary guest pass at an athletic club for just a few days. Becca has gone to their nursery two days in a row and she wasn't even sobbing when I picked her up today. Anyway, while she was standing at the edge of the playroom, clutching lambie and trying not to cry, I did a Weight Conditioning class.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. When you haven't worked out regularly, like, in your whole entire life and the last time you went to a gym was, like, a year ago? Then, maybe it isn't a good idea to attempt the hardest class at the club. The class where you do squats for the entire hour, with a few lunges thrown in and nonstop weight lifting with the arms at the same time. Very, very bad idea. And, I wanted to punch the instructor who kept yelling, "COME ON!" in a very loud, barking, drill sergeant way. I am more of a proponent of moderation in all things, especially exercise.

And, when you are so bone-dead-limp-noodle-exhausted that you can't raise your arms to the 10 and 2 position on the steering wheel? You really need your kid to take a damn nap!


joanna said...

Too bad it wasn't a Mommy and Me weight class - I bet she'd nap then! I agree a full day of toddler duty with no naps is rough!

Erin said...

Oh no! No nap is IMPOSSIBLE! I agree, this must be remedied. (Try Benadryl. But I didn't actually suggest that.)

Your rooms don't look bad, I don't think. If I went through my house and named the rooms, they would all be named, "Serility Room." The theme around here when we bought the place was All Neutral All The Time. b-o-r-i-n-g.

Jen said...

Moderation in everything except for wine, right?? Because I could agree with you on that point, if you take wine out of that equation.

I am so sorry about the nap strike! That is HORRIBLE. Is she getting more teeth? Maybe a painful growth spurt? I'm with Erin, maybe some good, old-fashioned drugs?

Marie Green said...

Man, that SUCKS. My girls quit napping at age 2 as well. From age 2 to 3 I put them down religiously, but the slept maybe once a month. Finally at 3 I gave up. Now we have "quiet time" when they watch a movie/tv and I nap. =) (And the baby naps too. Quiet time revolves around baby's nap.)

I love your moderation in everything, especially exercise comment. Funny!

Andrea and Ben said...

hahahaha! How are you supposed to lift Becca now?

Anonymous said...

I want a nap!

Angie said...

That't the worst, when you really NEED for them to nap. Of course, Ashlyn is napping, but waking up at 4:30 and 5 every morning, FOR THE DAY. So, I end up needing a nap every afternoon, due to the not enough sleep at night thing. Ugh.

Lysandra said...

What a wierd coincedence, Mikey just started the not napping thing. It blows! Yes, weight conditiong is not for beginners. DUH!

Tess said...

I hate those drill sargeant types. I know they THINK they are giving you the Tough Love, but I find it mostly makes me Bitter and Angry.