Monday, October 22, 2007

"Almost Heaven, West Virginia...."

This is what happens when you take 200 photos in less than one day during the beautiful fall in scenic West Virginia. Your blog post becomes a long, overindulgent photo album. Your readers start nodding off in front of the screen while you're explaining, "And then we decided to take a hike. Wait. Maybe we ate breakfast first. Yes. We ate breakfast and then we Maybe we drove first....Which was it?" Who doesn't enjoy long-winded discussions of other peoples' travels?

We took a spur-of-the-moment trip about 2 hours west of here to Harper's Ferry. What a beautiful place! Thomas Jefferson said, "The passage of the Patowmac [sic] through the Blue Ridge is perhaps one of the most stupendous scenes in Nature." I agree with him.

We stayed at the historic Hilltop House perched atop a bluff overlooking the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers. Here was the view from our window.

The hotel kind of seemed haunted. It got horrible reviews on TripAdvisor, but we decided to chance it. We're KRAZEE like that. Compared to many places we've staying in Alaska, it was quite nice! [Which really means we have stayed at some nas-TAY places in our time.] This one actually seemed clean, once we got over the stink bug and mud dauber and giant spider in the room.

The historic town of Harper's Ferry.

The train tracks as seen from our room. Before the sunset we were thinking it was so cool. Then, the trains started running all night and blowing their horns. All night. Every hour or so. Not much sleeping.

Botched Family Photo Attempt 134,456,567. Can you find Becca? Can you find the World's Cheesiest Posing Lady?

" Life is old there, older than the trees..."*

After hiking in the National Park

Cool stone foundations in the town

Still trying to get that elusive family photo....

"I hear her voice, in the morning hours she calls me..."*

Civil War battleground you know where our kid is? No. Do you? Just say "cheese!"

Sleepy kid overlooking the Shenandoah River

Something about the light in October is magical for photo-taking. I could have put about 50 more pictures on here, but I felt the collective yawn from the readership, so I refrained.

*From John Denver's "Country Roads" which I couldn't stop singing the entire time we were there.


Tracy said...

I am so glad you posted pictures. You have convinced me, I am officially a fall person now! I love getting a way for 24 hours!

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

LOVE the pictures. WVa is beautiful and most people have no idea! Looks like a GREAT weekend.

Jen said...

How fun! I kept looking back at all the pictures, trying to figure out which one I liked best so I could tell you. But I like so many of them! Beautiful!

Tracy said...

I must say, I have had that damn John Denver song stuck in my head since I read this.

Lysandra said...

Your weird....

The Quinn Report said...

Gosh, I was having Flap Yap/Katie withdrawls while you were away.

The photos look beautiful! I look at West Virginia in a whole new different way... thanks to you!

A Goldsworthy Note said...

I always love your pictures. You probably think that's weird, but I do. Who took that picture of y'all where the only part of Becca showing was her hands? They even managed to chop off the top of your head. I think they were only focused on John. Hmmm...interesting. Well, I do like the one of y'all in the field with all of the trees in the background. That's a very good one.
Sounds like y'all had a good time. I want to get Joe out to the East at some point. The furthest East he's been is Alabama for SOS. Sad.

A Goldsworthy Note said...

By the way...the past few times I've posted I've noticed that they're pretty lengthy. Sorry about that...I'll try to shorten them.

Andrea and Ben said...

That looks like so much fun! Dingy crappy hotel has anything on the ridiculous places called "lodges" in Alaska!! It looks like I will have to reference your blog for things to do if we ever get a staff tour out east.

Angie said...

That area is lovely. The pictures are great. I love fall, too. I've missed it the past few years with such short falls in AK.