Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Latest from Nap Strike Central

Not again. Not this again. This whole thing we do--I put Becca down for her nap during the Becca pre-approved window, with lots of wind-down time and books and then I proceed to silence the entire house. The ringers on all phones go off. Canyon's collar comes off. The windows are shut, fans for white noise are turned on. I creep into my room, ready for a rainy day, allergy medication-fueled nap, and.......WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. She's awake. And pissed. She then screams for about 30 minutes after waking up, stiffening her legs as though in pain. Is it a tummy ache? Is it teeth? How many teeth can one kid get? After the 2 year molars are done? Dear Lord, tell me we are.

That was yesterday.

Today I thought I would counterattack with a dose of Motrin 20 minutes before naptime. Forty-five minutes after going to sleep.....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Then......silence. Blessed silence. Thank you, Motrin. They better not start recalling that, because I tell you there will be an uproar.

So, normally I keep pretty busy doing a lot of nothing. Well, not nothing, but a lot of piddly tasks that have to be done to avoid living in squalor or famine or a homeless shelter. Lately, I've been kind of lazy about these tasks. I have been procrastinating greatly, despite my new task master. I am still busy, somehow, but I just feel I am not accomplishing anything. I feel behind in everything. As John says, "my shit is in the street." God, I love that phrase. It just cracks me up as I picture a pile of bills, a giant load of dirty diapers, the contents of the refigerator in various states of decay, three unfolded baskets of laundry and some painting dropcloths heaped out in the road, the neighbors clucking in dismay and shaking their heads sadly when they see me walk by.


Tracy said...

You have two year molars and then you are done until 6. What a long stretch, finally. Cait is getting her 2 year molars right now and I am at my wits end keeping things out of her mouth. Not a good time to hear all this info on MRSA. I am starting to become a germ-a-freak!

Jen said...

Thanks for the laugh! Sorry about the nap strike...

The Quinn Report said...

We ALL have our moments. Crawl into bed and catch up on some zzzz's!...And don't feel bad about it!

Andrea and Ben said...

Ben uses that too. Funny! Aaaahhhh, to be busy and not accomplish what appears to be a damned thing. I feel like that daily. Just let it get bad enough (or remodel) and every little movement of stuff feels like an accomplishment :0)

A Goldsworthy Note said...

How funny. I've never heard that line before...at least not that I know of. Next time I hear it I'll probably laugh and think of your very elaborate description. :0)

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