Friday, October 12, 2007


I think I just noticed we're not in Alaska anymore. No, it isn't that our license plates are changing over to (a very boring) white. It isn't that I haven't seen a moose in months. It isn't that I often find myself in 5 lanes of traffic going 80 mph. No, it is mostly because it is mid-October and I haven't pulled out a jacket yet. Here is Becca last October.

Today she has already been outside on the deck wearing no shoes. We're going to plant some tulip bulbs today. Tulips! There will be a spring sometime before next June. It is really quite amazing how the rest of the world works.

A big part of me will always miss Alaska. We really loved it there. It is a magical, different, enchanting, peaceful, wild, awe-inspiring place where I often found myself inhaling great breaths of cold air and marvelling at nature.

But, at this point, I'm thinking I like October in the mid-Atlantic!


Tracy said...

I totally second the motion!

Marie Green said...

I like the midwest fall weather too! But our springs? They don't come until- I swear!- May. Which is why nearly everyone I know dread winter so much. It's the season that never ends, it goes on and on again...

So yeah, hear ya on that.

(But bundled Becca IS pretty darn cute!)

Tess said...

Those snowsuits! ARE! AWESOME!

Lysandra said...

Not Me! I just got an e-mail from a person in Alaska and she said to drive carefully. I miss Alaska....wouldn't mind being bundled....

Anonymous said...

Rub it in, why don't you? Yes, there's an inch of snow on the ground. And yes, my kid already resembles the little brother in the Christmas Story that can't put his arms down because he's got so many clothes on. Why can't Fall last just a little longer....

Jen said...

Funny, a few days ago I was just thinking of you and Alaska and that picture you took outside Starbucks (I think) and there was snow, and this pretty golden light. It was probably September in AK. But it was so pretty! I think I will always remember that picture.

Andrea and Ben said...

I too miss Alaska, but LOVE October in Tucson. it starts to cool off and feel like "fall". It is nice to see the old pics of Becca, too cute!