Sunday, October 07, 2007

National Lampoon's Family Surprise Party

My mom turns 60 on Tuesday. So, we planned a few surprises for her this weekend. It started with the well-kept secret arrival of the famous Bonnie! Bonnie and my mom have been best friends since the age of four. Bonnie flew in from Minneapolis yesterday and was hiding behind the front door when my mom walked in.

Mom closed the door and stood there talking to us all wondering why we were standing around grinning. Finally she caught a glimpse of someone and turned around. She did the best double take I have ever seen! Then, she screamed the loudest I've ever heard her scream! They hugged and cried and laughed and screamed. It was awesome. There is nothing like a childhood girlfriend to bring out the giggles!

We went out for dinner at Threadgill's--where Janis Joplin used to sing--and where they have the best garlic cheese grits and sweet potato french fries in existence. Meanwhile, our great friends Britt, Bill, Pat and Karen were setting up for a surprise party back at the house.

It was one of those, "we'll just keep it small and only invite a handful of her closest friends--no more than about 10 people" things. But it ended up with what must have been at least 30 people. I think she must have caught wind that a party was brewing--how could you not when almost all of us slipped up at some point, and one of us (ahem) was frantically running around cleaning the house and bossing everyone around--but I am pretty sure she didn't know exactly when/what/who would be involved. It was crowded and loud and hot and so much fun. Becca stuck around for a few minutes and then proceeded to sleep through all the noise.

People started trickling out until just a few of us were left. Craig, a colleague of Dad's from Australia, is an accomplished pianist, so we had a great sing-a-long (a longtime Carol and Bonnie tradition)!

Then, the party really got started.

Me and Meg. Meg is the one who originally dubbed my parents "The Griswolds."

Susan and her classmate, Lara, who is from Turkey.
Lara said we are more like the "Von Trapp" family singers.
We may have shocked her a bit.

Some of us were worse off than others. In other words some of us are out in the backyard swinging with their Grandpa...

or cooking pumpkin soup...

...while some of us (ahem) are sitting in this computer chair, sick of trying to fix the formatting on this thing, head in hands, craving a big basket of onion rings and
letting out the occasional moan.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Nana!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tracy said...

Happy birthday, Nana! I am glad your party went so well. What a great feeling not to worry about Becca. I am glad you are having a blast, but really, we miss you, hurry home!

Anonymous said...

There could not ever be a more delightful twenty-one hours! Katie, you are a party planner extraordinaire! Thank you for holding the "big secret" so discreetly. It was unforgettable!

The now internationally famous BONNIE!!!!

Joel and Angela said...

It looks like you all had a lot of fun! You're mom looked so excited about her cake too! What a fun party and family, Katie!

Marie Green said...

How fun and special!

And I forgot to mention in my last comment, but my husband lived in Texas for a short time and became a Shiner fanatic. HE LURVES the stuff. Luckily, he can get it around here now- it used to be only sold there.

Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful party because of the fabulous people who came to help me celebrate - I have such a great family and friends! I must admit that I did know something was up, but I was blown away with the magnitude of the surprise - and Bonnie flying in from Minnesota was stunning. About the only thing that made me suspicious was the fact that the dining room table remained uncluttered for several days in a row. Hmmmm.

The photos Katie posted might lead one to believe that it was a drunken brawl. That was not the case - my children and their friends were posing for funny photos! Really!

Thanks and love to all,

Andrea and Ben said...

oh my, that looks like FUN!!!! What a nice surprise for your mom :0)

Anonymous said...

I was so excited by all the family doings that I hardly noticed Texas lost it's second conference game in a row and is now in the basement. I could have told them - you treat your mascot poorly and the team goes down hill fast!

The Quinn Report said...

Good for you...looks like you had a REALLY great time!

Jen said...

Happy birthday, Katie's mom! Sounds like you all had so much fun. Awesome!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! Looks like it was a glorious celebration. Family, good friends, good food and cake all in one evening?! Perfect.

Katie said...

Mom is right. We were posing austintatiously (pun intended) for those photos. Susan only had one beer the entire night and was pretending to drink out of the wine bottle!

I was slightly tipsy. I won't lie.

Sioux said...

...and by slightly tipsy, you mean tipsy enough to lay moaning on the couch for several hours the next morning?
