Friday, October 26, 2007

Knoxville Knews

Okay. Whatever is going on here in Knoxville, I'll take it. Becca slept this morning until 10 a.m. TEN IN THE MORNING!!!! That is the longest she has ever slept in her entire life--14 straight hours. I still woke up at 6:30 out of habit. Damn.

She is sleeping in a room with no windows. Total darkness. I've decided when I go home I'm going to line her bedroom windows in tin foil. So what that they are in the front of the house? I don't think our homeowners' association will care. Do you?

We're having a ball. Eating way too much southern cooking, laughing, talking....Becca is in heaven playing with the three little boys, jumping on the trampoline, running around like crazy. I am really on vacation, that is for sure.


A Goldsworthy Note said...

YEA!!! I love southern cooking...have fun! Hopefully tomorrow you'll be able to sleep a bit later :0)

Peregos said...

blackout blinds are also an option. I looked into them last spring when the days were getting shorter and the kids were getting up earlier and earlier. They weren't too outrageously priced...but I still haven't ordered them.,50 or in our old house I also used the old school (but quite effective) roller blinds..great.

Katie said...

I have blackout fabric attached to the back of her curtains, but the light comes in around all four sides!!! I am going to have to do something more drastic, I guess!

Tracy said...

I am so glad you posted. I was afaid your loyal fans were going to have to wait until you get home to hear all about the trip, I just got rid of all my black out fabric. That would have come in handy! Miss you guys!(of course it is raining and cold, so I am sure you aren't missing us!!

Marie Green said...

Stunning! Go Becca!

Marie Green said...

Also, try the roll-up black-out shades. Easy and they roll up under the curtains, so you won't see them during the day. And they keep out ALL light.

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

When did you leave for Knoxville? I love it there. LOVE IT!
Is it warm enough to enjoy any of the lakes?

Or how about good ole' Dolly Wood.

Can you tell I am from Appalachia?

Jen said...

She is jumping on the trampoline? Damn. I could not get Kate to do that while we were in Oregon, and she was Becca's age. Way to go!

Oh, and you can buy blackout lining for curtains (it's white) at fabric stores...

Jen said...

Um, yeah. So you already tried that.

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

Yeah I am a dumb ass. If I would have scrolled down I would have known when you left for Knoxville.

Have fun at the reuion (is that spelled right?) and eat lots of food. (I always eat enough for like 20 people at my reunions...the food is yummy!)

Erin said...

katie, forget the curtains. Go with the blackout BLINDS. That's what we have in the upstairs of our house, and they are flipping awesome. I think ours are by Bali. They fold down like an accordian.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure she's just not sleeping better becuase of all the running and playing with the boys? Maybe in stead of tin foil you should invest in some more kids. lol