Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Aside from the obvious shortening of Rebecca to Becca, we call our daughter a few other things as well. Many call her "Becca Boo," and it often occurs spontaneously. People who just meet us for the first time have said, "Bye, Becca Boo!" It must just be a natural follow-up to her name. I don't know why.

John started calling her "Bobo" early on, but I totally nixed that one. Not a fan. Sounds like the clown. So, he started calling her "Beebo" instead. It has stuck. We both call her that, even though I don't really like it and never intended to say it and it sounds a lot like "Bevo." That isn't necessarily bad, but isn't really something you want to associate too much with your baby daughter--a bovine mascot. I don't know, call me crazy.
When John got back from Afghanistan and Becca was about 5 months, we were staying in a hotel on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, and we heard her scritch scritch scratching on the side of her pack n play. John said, "It sounds like there's a varmint in here." Now, varmint? I can live with that name. It is so accurate. She is always rummaging around in things looking for food. She is like a bear cub tearing through dumpsters. So, we now often call her "The Varmint" or even better, the shortened version, "Varmie." For instance, John will say, at...oh....say... 4 a.m., "I hear The Varmie." And, I say, "Shit."

I invited a few bear cubs later over to help me paw through the trash. Is that okay with you?


Tracy said...

I am just as guilty with the nicknames. I call Becca, Becca Boo, and so do the girls. My girls have nicknames such as Stinkerbell, Magoo, Nugget, Nug, and the vacuum. The loving names, lovey, angel, sweetheart, sweetpie, never really stuck! Oh well!

Anonymous said...

Love your sweatshirt with me on the front! Finally - the REAL UT!

Hook 'Em Beebo. I like that nickname the best - sounding like a bovine mascot is a good thing!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet post. Love the varmint references. Too cute.

Jen said...

Cute nicknames. Adorable Becca Boo.

The Quinn Report said...

I call Salem Baby Salem or Momma. Hispanic people always give me funny looks when I call this whiter than white looking baby Momma. In their culture, they apparantly call little hispanic girls Momma. Oh well, I don't give a shit! I like it!!

Anonymous said...

I like the outfit and Becca can take in my garbage can any day.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....Varmit.....Wasn't it just a short time ago that you could not deal with the word Vomit? How times do change all of us!

Katie said...

Well, Varmint and Vomit are completely COMPLETELY different things altogether! It isn't the WORD "vomit" I can't stand. It is the actual vomit that freaks me out. That hasn't changed! Never will, I fear.

Andrea and Ben said...

Heehee! This is a funny post. It is funny that Noel mentioned Momma, because I call most little girls momma. Wierd. Must be an AZ thing. I love Varmint, that is perfect for a toddler!

Joel and Angela said...

Katheryn's nickname is "sissy", Claire's is "Claire Bear" and I don't think Luke has one yet. Well, Only one that we mutter under our breath.

Anonymous said...

"BeeBo" is the way the little hippo says belly button in the Boynton board book "The Belly Button Book." The little hippo is soo cute, too.

Angie said...

Yeah, beebo, made me think of the belly button book, too. I find it a bit odd that you don't want your daughter to have a name similar to a bovine mascot, but are ok with "varmint." What?!

Angie said...

I didn't think I was a nickname person, but I call Ashlyn, Honey, Pretty, Stinker, and Baby Girl. For a while I called her chicken. She calls herself Honey some of the time as well.